humble request filler is shocked that no one has requested something like this before.
Setting: Alternate history in which the Axis won WWII, Germany controls the east coast of the US and Japan controls the west coast. (anyone ever read Man in the High Castle?)
Japan&Germany/prisoner of war!US.
You will earn humble request filler's eternal gratitude and love if you include Japan/Germany tension (after all, they both plan on attaining eventual world domination over each other...)Humble request filler would also greatly appreciate knowing what happened to other nation-tans after the axis victory (England? Russia? France? China? etc.) even if only mentioned in passing.
o'er the land of the free [2/2]
February 5 2009, 04:13:34 UTC
Alfred thinks he has a decent enough reason for optimism. Matthew is still loose somewhere in the tundra he claims is an ordinary winter, and Lakota and Cherokee and the other nations he suddenly and abashedly realizes he still can't pronounce the names of are out there somewhere - and really, if anyone could survive attempts at annihilation, it's them. The last time he saw Mexico - who has a name he can pronounce, but who refuses to let him call her by it until he gives Texas back - she was arming his soldiers as well as her own and fighting a delaying action somewhere on the California border, because she may hate his guts, but at least he's not condemning the majority of her people to mass extermination.
Last he heard, Arthur's still clinging to his island, stubborn as ever.
That's something, at least.
"The bomb," Kiku says.
"Maybe I'll tell Ludwig first," Alfred says - or slurs, really; he's in too much pain to be picky.
He has the satisfaction of seeing the other nation's shift slightly in his chair and thinks, Ha, got
( ... )
Re: o'er the land of the free [2/2]
February 5 2009, 04:57:08 UTC
This is incredible, anon. I'm crying over here, and I don't ever just say that. I loved the little details, like the Native American nations and how MacArthur is still running around in the Pacific. I loved how you mentioned what was being done to resist--I can see all of that happening.
And the last line...That's when I started bawling.
Re: o'er the land of the free [2/2]
February 5 2009, 05:36:11 UTC
Shit. This is...god, it's amazing and...I don't even know. The optimism and the resistance and the last line and...yes. Thank you for filling this so wonderfully. ;_;
Re: o'er the land of the free [2/2]
February 5 2009, 07:10:50 UTC
*whistles* Wow. This is really impressive. I loved all the details of it, the Native American Nations, the Axis soldiers sympathetic to America because of relations, all the little details of the resistance. And then the sky. Lovely work! :D
Re: o'er the land of the free [2/2]
February 5 2009, 07:10:55 UTC
I was honestly afraid that reading this would hurt, and it did, but...he's alive in this take, he's been invaded but he's still fighting, and "there are homemade bombs and sabotage in the Rust Belt, deliberately burned fields across Kansas and Nebraska, intelligence passed in Gullah and Navajo, snipers hiding among cotton bales and ruined skyscrapers and amber waves of grain," just...a;sldjgfklad. Thanks for not destroying my soul, i.e., for letting America keep some hope and fight in him.
In short, I love this and I love you. Thank you so so much.
apologies for the tardiness of this comment, my computer became infected with viruses of a particularly malicious sort, and thus I did not have a computer for a while. And a kink meme is not the sort of place to visit on a library computer.
Setting: Alternate history in which the Axis won WWII, Germany controls the east coast of the US and Japan controls the west coast. (anyone ever read Man in the High Castle?)
Japan&Germany/prisoner of war!US.
You will earn humble request filler's eternal gratitude and love if you include Japan/Germany tension (after all, they both plan on attaining eventual world domination over each other...)Humble request filler would also greatly appreciate knowing what happened to other nation-tans after the axis victory (England? Russia? France? China? etc.) even if only mentioned in passing.
Human names prefered, but not imperative.
Last he heard, Arthur's still clinging to his island, stubborn as ever.
That's something, at least.
"The bomb," Kiku says.
"Maybe I'll tell Ludwig first," Alfred says - or slurs, really; he's in too much pain to be picky.
He has the satisfaction of seeing the other nation's shift slightly in his chair and thinks, Ha, got ( ... )
And the last line...That's when I started bawling.
This is the best piece I've seen here.
Great job!
Lovely work! :D
I was honestly afraid that reading this would hurt, and it did, but...he's alive in this take, he's been invaded but he's still fighting, and "there are homemade bombs and sabotage in the Rust Belt, deliberately burned fields across Kansas and Nebraska, intelligence passed in Gullah and Navajo, snipers hiding among cotton bales and ruined skyscrapers and amber waves of grain," just...a;sldjgfklad. Thanks for not destroying my soul, i.e., for letting America keep some hope and fight in him.
In short, I love this and I love you. Thank you so so much.
Seriously, I'm way too amazed and in awe to be coherent right now. J-Just...well done. That was exceptional.
apologies for the tardiness of this comment, my computer became infected with viruses of a particularly malicious sort, and thus I did not have a computer for a while. And a kink meme is not the sort of place to visit on a library computer.
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