Title: Collision Author: ladytalon1 Fandom: Firefly Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$ A/N: For itinerant_vae, who requested Jaylee, laughter, an unexpected kiss, on Serenity. I apologize for the lateness (and the lame title), Uni exams have been eating me alive D: Thanks to bookaddict43 for her suggestions and encouragement! Word Count:
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Title: Operation get Jayne to a whorehouse Author: Bookaddict Characters: Jayne/Kaylee Rating: NC-17 Word count: 1078 Comments: I have a sneaking suspicion that my idea for this initially came from a stray comment in ana_grrl's journal. Thank you to prehistoric_sea for her much needed imput!! *hugs her* Written for xenaclone. Her request was for Jayne with Kaylee, Inara or Helen
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Round 4 has ended, even though some fics are still coming. We're also quite delayed on the fics from previous rounds, and I'd really love for everyone to get their fics, therefore
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Title: Brave New World Characters/Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee Prompt: Written for bookaddict43's prompts of 5 years post-BDM, sorting things out, a bit angsty - well I got 2 out of 3! ;) Word Count: 649 Rating: PG Summary: Sometimes Jayne misses signals. Sometimes he gets them.