Happy reading!
The Vampire Diaries
Punishment Series
Punishment - Damon feels like he's always watching Jeremy walk away.
Deteriorate - Damon feels no satisfaction in finally being the one to walk away.
Redemption - Damon isn't about to let Jeremy walk away again.
Winds of Change
(in progress)
Rating: currently PG-13, although subject to change
Pairing: Jeremy/Damon
Genre: angst, romance
Spoilers: Seasons 1 and 2
Summary: Now that they're both back in Mystic Falls, Damon doesn't know if he can be held responsible for his actions. Future fic.
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4 Glee
The Everything verse - so big it has its own master post!
30 Photographs - 30 drabbles written for the
puckurt June Daily Drabbles Challenge
Wherever I Am, You'll Always Be - Noah doesn't need to be there to be a presence in Beth's life. Oneshot.
Observation Deck - It's not easy being on the outside looking in. Oneshot.
Peace on Earth and Goodwill Toward Men - Puck's not sure if he's more nervous or excited about getting snowed in alone with Kurt. Oneshot.
(If you run with me) I'll stay with you - "People are messy and have problems and if you're gonna be with somebody forever, you gotta commit to sticking around for the stuff that isn't happy." Oneshot. Winner of the
puckurt Diva-Off!
Just my imagination, once again - Puck's always had a vivid imagination, but it turns out it can't begin to compete with reality. Oneshot.
Lima Loser
(in progress)
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Puck/Quinn, eventual Puck/Kurt, Beth Puckerman
Spoilers: Seasons 1 and 2, ignoring all of Puck's Season 2 story lines.
Summary: Puck has always known he'd never be more than a Lima loser.
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From Me To You - Sam can't help noticing that Puck's serenaded a lot of people, but nobody's ever returned the favor. Oneshot.
For Sale - "You're not the only one who takes your clothes off for money." Oneshot.
No Surrender
Rating: PG-13, NC-17 for Ch 14
Genre: romance, friendship
Warnings/Triggers: non-graphic references to past child sexual and physical abuse (Ch 9)
Spoilers: Everything up to and including 'Special Education'
Summary: Post-juvie and post-Babygate, Puck starts to think that maybe hanging out with Sam wouldn't be such a bad thing.
Master post! I Can Love You Out of There - Sam delays going home to an empty house for as long as he can. No Surrender future fic. NC-17
In this moment where we all exist - Everything is going to change. No Surrender future fic. G.
(Everything They Ignore Is) All I Need To See
(in progress)
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Genre: mostly romance, some angst
Warnings: none so far
Spoilers: let’s say all of Seasons 1 and 2, to be safe, since I picked and chose the things I wanted to include and the things I wanted to ignore
Summary: Puck’s been famous for a while now, but he still doesn’t quite know how to balance fame and his personal life. Sam has been doing his best to avoid having a personal life altogether. Future fic.
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Love It When You Call 'verse
(in progress)
Pick up the phone (cause I need to get more alone) - Of everyone at McKinley, Sam doesn't expect Puck to be the one to keep in touch.
Got My Heart on the Line - Today genuinely sucked, and Puck's pretty sure talking to Sam is the only thing that's going to make it better.
(What's the Complication) It's Only Conversation - "Hey, this is Sam. If you leave me a message, I'll call you back when I can."
Take That RPS
Enough - Robbie wants nothing more than to be the one Gary loves, but for now it's enough to be the one he needs. Robbie/Gary (in progress)
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Uphill and Against the Wind - You can't help an addict until and unless he asks for it. Robbie/Mark (complete)
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Part 3 Close your eyes and follow your dreams down - He's always been better at running from this than facing it head-on. Howard/Jason, oneshot
When we gamble with the world - Rob has always thought of the two of them like magnets. When everything is the wrong way round, nothing is going to keep them together. When things are good, though, they just attract, drawing the other in without even trying. Robbie/Gary,
takethatslash Big Bang 2012 (complete)
Marvel Avengers Movieverse
(You can't break) the ties that bind - "What dumbass thought kidnapping Tony Stark was a good idea?", Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, oneshot.
Denial - The failure to acknowledge an unacceptable truth. Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Avengers film spoilers, oneshot.
There are no fences facing 'verse
But for the sky there are no fences facing - There's Phil and there's Coulson and it's taken a few years, but Clint's mostly worked out the difference now. Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Part 1.
Don't think twice, it's all right - They have rules for a reason, boundaries they can't cross, especially in the field and Clint can't really complain considering he did help write the rules. Clint/Phil, Part 2.
Losing myself here lately 'verse
I've been losing myself here lately - Harvey cares because someone has to.
Fingers tap into what you were once - Two nights isn't quite a habit but it's definitely the beginning of a trend.
What you don't surrender (the world just strips away) - It's a mess and it's only going to get messier.
Other miscellaneous fic
All the Courage You Have Left - He knows, having lost her once, he will lose her again. Rumpelstiltskin/Belle, Once Upon A Time, oneshot.