life is hard

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    heybitchmove Apr 13, 2013 02:45

    It's almost 3 a.m. and I'm trying to sleep, I really am, but my brain only wants to write really terrible, flowery FFIV meta about dark swords talking to Cecil in his sleep ( Read more... )
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  • we now interrupt this broadcast to squee about Wild ARMS 3

    heybitchmove Apr 10, 2013 20:35

    I've been replaying Wild ARMS 3 this week. Excuse me for a moment; I just need to squee about how much I love the characters in this game.

    I've been a fan of the WA series since day one; the original was the first RPG I ever played (okay, second-Pokemon Yellow was the first), and I've been hooked ever since. Each game has its strengths except 4 ( Read more... )

    fangirlish joy, vidja games

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  • (Untitled)

    heybitchmove Apr 08, 2013 16:17

    protip: it is not a good idea to eat half a pound of mixed greens while drinking heavily.

    that shit is not fun coming back up, let me tell ya.

    This entry was originally posted at

    what capitalization?, totes not health-blogging, i call it a "drinking solution"

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