(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 01:38

Title: Final Tear
Word Count:100
Summery:Lucius asks...hermione doesn't tell
House: Slytherin
Disclaimer:don't own them, wish i did.
Authors Notes:

“Tell me Miss Granger,” whispered Lucius Malfoy “does it hurt?”

Hermione’s eyes were watering for well over five hours. She thought her tear glands would soon run empty. Then at least Lucius would not have the satisfaction of watching her cry. She was counting on that one possibility. She was placing every last hope on her body’s physical breakdown.

The final tear fell. She watched it propel towards the cold stone floor then in slow motion as the drop shattered when it hit. The saltwater tear stained the grey stone, a mark she was sure would remain forever.
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