Title:The Gown - Parts VIII & VIV Challenge:Lucius wants Hermione Team:Death Eaters Word Count:100 each Rating:PG13 Characters:Hermione/Snape/Lucius Disclaimer:Don't own them, wish I did. Authors notes:part I,parts II & III, parts IV & V,parts VI & VII The last line of VIII, like that of VII, takes place in Dumbledore’s office. The second one of
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I'm an evil auror? hmmm... Wait! This works because it means I've got street-cred with the Death Eaters yet I can still hang at 12 Grimmauld Palace with Snape and Lupin the other aurors.
Title:The Gown - Part VI & VII Challenge:Lucius wants Hermione Team:Death Eaters Word Count:100 each Rating:PG13 Characters:Hermione/Snape/Lucius Disclaimer:Don't own them, wish I did. Authors notes:part I,parts II & III, parts IV & VVI
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Title:The Gown - Parts IV & V Challenge:Lucius wants Hermione Team:Death Eaters Word Count:100 each Rating:PG13 Characters:Hermione/Snape/Lucius Disclaimer:Don't own them, wish I did. Authors notes:part I,parts II & III. Part IV is more like a Preface type thing
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Title: The Gown parts II & III Challenge:Lucius wants hermione Team:Death Eaters Word Count: 100 each Rating:PG13 Characters:Hermione/Snape/Lucius Authors notes:part one is here. It is growing...will I be able to control it
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Title: The Gown Challenge:Lucius wants hermione Team:Death Eaters Word Count:100 plus three Rating:PG Characters:Hermione/Snape/Lucius Authors notes:w/o knowing the challenge the roles of the present giver and the er...insult giver could really be interchangeable
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Title: bloody tiles Word Count:100 Rating:PG-13 for strong language word Challenge:Sirius Black Characters: Sirius Disclaimer:not mine, don't own them. Authors Notes:my very first post here
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Title: Final Tear Author:_page394_ Word Count:100 Rating:PG Challenge:Pain Characters:hermione/lucius Summery:Lucius asks hermione doesn't tell House: Slytherin Disclaimer:don't own them, wish i did. Authors Notes:( there is an accompanying drawing under this cut )
Title:He Felt Word Count:100 Rating:PG Challenge:Truth Characters:Snape/implied Hermione Disclaimer:don’t own them, wish I did. Authors Notes:( there is an accompanying drawing under this cut )
Title: Longing desire Challenge: Lupin Saw It All Team: Death Eaters Rating: PG Characters: Lupin, Hermione, Severus Authors notes:my second fic ever:) ( there is an accompanying drawing under this cut )