Previously on the H.S. Soap…
Week #9
Want to know even more about the Goblin Kings? Well the fans sure do. Our very own Alicia was able to
interview the band, getting up close and personal answers to the questions everyone wants to know.
Early in the week, Aang calls Toph, sweetly
telling her how much he misses her. He also can’t keep from gossiping about the fight that left Haru and Zuko beaten and bruised.
But Aang isn’t the only one to call Toph with sweet nothings to tell her. Hahn is only too glad to spill all about her new “daddy’s”
plan for her to attend the wedding on his arm .
And of course our favorite paparazzo is on the job,
spreading half-truths and
breaking hearts . Poor Aang.
Meanwhile Ozai is trying his best to
lure his daughter back home . Will she fall for it?
The sibs are still reeling from their last phone encounter and Zuko especially is
feeling the pain that incurred .
That doesn’t keep him from
calling Azula from the airport as he waits for Katara’s flight to arrive.
In an attempt to assuage her guilt, Azula fired off
a romantic email to Haru complete with racy pictures of herself attached. Shame she didn’t check the email addy she sent it to before hitting send. One can only imagine Zuko's initial reaction after checking his inbox that morning. ...Now if only he could bring himself to delete all the pictures. A mortified Azula re-sends Haru’s email but when he replies she is struck by his seeming clairvoyance about
her faux pas earlier. Determined to focus his attention on Katara, Zuko spends nearly all of the three days of her visit right by her side. When they find time to wander out of the hotel room, Zuko takes her to some of the band events. On their last day, they go to a huge park in the middle of the city where they spend some quality time sitting by the edge of one of the ponds as the sun sets.
But not everything is so simple. Thanks to Aang, Katara now knows about Haru and Zuko's fight, and is a bit confused. Thinking there is more to it than what Aang is letting on, she questions Zuko. Somehow he manages to smooth talk his way out of it, but Katara isn't known for being one who gives up easily.
Abandoning Zuko as a route for information, she turns to Sokka and Haru, asking both about the fight. But neither of them can give her very clear answers. Not able to shake this feeling,
Katara calls Azula after returning home, but gets no new details. Confused and frustrated with the lack of information, she turns to
her journal.
Although Kat didn't find out anything by calling her, Azula acquired some valuable knowledge regarding Zuko and her husband.
She calls Zuko , wondering about the fight he might have mentioned to her a week ago when it happened. Things are said; things are taken back, and by the end of the call a decision is made that somehow leaves them both more confused than ever.
Meanwhile, Azula finally tells Haru about the gift from Zuko but there are definitely some cracks beginning to show in their
relationship. And even though he seems calm and understanding on the surface, Haru’s
sanity is eroding as he tries to deal with Zuko and Azula’s relationship.
This has not been the best week for Suki. Her unexpected pregnancy takes a toll on her,
leaving many more questions than answers .
Teo and Suki go out on another date, but she is completely swept up by the new events in her life. Coming across as very distant, she spends the whole time preoccupied with her thoughts rather than the events of the evening. Teo knows there must be something going on, now if he could only figure out what…
At first, Toph was the only one Suki had confided in, but getting sick at work is not the best way to keep things under wraps, especially not if a whole group of your friends are there with you. After a brief lecture from Azula about her lagging performance, Suki decides to give in and confirm their slowly increasing suspicions. She only asks that they don’t tell Sokka just yet.
Teo, sitting silently while watching this unfold, wonders how it is that every woman he’s been around is already involved with someone else. And once the two of them are alone, Suki apologizes for not telling him sooner. They agree to end their fleeting relationship, both saying that things would be better off if they were just friends. Teo leaves, pondering his pull towards doomed relationships…
Alicia reports on Ozai, the adoring father buying his new ward a beautiful and
expensive new necklace. and also pointing out her escort for the wedding. I wonder how Aang will take this news…
Some time after, Suki and Toph have a
girl-chat, bemoaning Aang's 'strange behavior" and Suki's growing problem.
Aang calls Toph to find her, but
Meng swoops in like a Kodiak bear on a prime Salmon, trying to keep her "man" away from the girl "he only thinks he likes"
Erasing any other messages to keep the field clear, Meng is feeling quite confident she can have Toph married off to Hahn at sixteen and be Aang's before winter.
After reading the salacious rumors of Toph’s new love, a distraught Aang emails her wanting to know what is going on. Since none of his earlier calls were returned he is now wondering if she has
really and truly forgotten him… This prompts Toph to call Hahn more upset and confused than ever.
Why does everyone think they are dating? After not hearing from her yet again Aang emails Toph hoping to hear from her but sadly
with no reply… It has not escaped the notice of Uncle Iroh that the pressure is getting to Azula. After watching her unsympathetic reaction to Suki's predicament he decides what she needs is a few days of rest and relaxation... He believes Asia may be just the ticket... And isn't there a great local band on tour there right now?
What chaos this will bring is anyone's guess....
This peculiar brand of madness is brought to you by
smillaraaq (Haru, Sokka, & Ziva),
drygon (Zuko, Teo, & Suki),
dungeonwriter (Ozai, Toph, & Alicia), and me:
loveroftheflame (Azula, Aang, & Aunt Wu)!!
We would also like to welcome two new members of our cast!
batmarg who will now be playing Katara, and
bushtuckerboy who will now be playing Uncle Iroh! We look forward to the interesting things they will bring to the story! We hope you do to!
Minor characters sometimes played by various cast memebers: Jet, Theo, Mongke, Meng, Hahn, Ty Lee, & Mai...
Comments from our viewers are always welcome!