I'm pregnant and failed my first (1 hour) diabetes test. My level was like 180-something. Now I have to eat a special diet for 3 days then go back to the lab for a 3 hour diabetes test
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I failed, both times. They put me on a low carb diet and I had to take my blood sugar three times a day. I was extremely upset about it at first, and I cried and cried (pathetic I know), but all in all it wasnt horrible, it was just a smack across the face for a pregnant woman to have to watch every little friggin thing she eats, iykwim. I was "diagnosed" around 28 weeks though, not 15. If your blood sugar was that high then its probably going to wind up that you are in the same situation.
I failed the 1 hour test with my first pregnancy. Rather than do the 3 hour one, my midwife just had me meet with a nutritionist about a diabetic diet and start testing my sugars routinely
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i just got diagnosed last week after failing my 3 hour. i went to my diabetes education class today. like the other two have said, i'm on a low-carb diet and have to eat the 3 well-spaced (and controlled) meals with 2-3 snacks daily. i also have to test my blood when i wake up and an hour after each meal. today was really the first day i've "started" because i didn't *really* know what to do either. it doesn't really seem hard, just more of an annoyance, for lack of a better term. you have to watch, measure and read labels for everything you eat. you seem to have it worse than me (no offense!) and i also was diagnosed at 29 weeks instead of 15. good luck to you and i hope that yours can be controlled by diet!!! ♥ (they should be sending you to a class, i'd think, and to see a nutritionist. they explain it pretty well and are very open for any questions. :) )
Comments 6
Good luck on your test, let us know how it goes.
We have always had lots in common, and now we are both pregnant again. <3
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