This year, I resolve to at least attempt to remove myself from the CA sex offender registry. I supposedly have an 'out' thanks to a 2006 CA supreme court ruling, but I have refrained from attempting to act on it, due to some emotional issues. I did not think that I could take the idea of going before a judge, asking them if they truly thought I
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New meds kinda suck! Though not falling asleep on the drive home is much less sucky!
All in all, things are good. Trying to get things in order life-wise, could use some more social time but that will wait till I'm not on the cusp of 'violently ill'.
When Paula Abdul looks down at your feet and says 'Those aren't Reeboks? I wouldn't ever have let you been that close to me in this video if I'd known, you fat old man' your brain is taking the extra step in finding ways to insult you in your dreams
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1) Copy this list into your blog or journal, including these instructions. 2) Bold all the items you’ve eaten. 3) Cross out any items that you would never consider eating.