Eh, I'm in Data Management 12 again. There's nothing to do. Well, actually there's lots to do but I'm far too lazy. I've got night school tonight (taking Japanese) and I really regret taking the course in the first place. However, it's far too late to be dropping any sort of course, now. So I guess I just have to tough it out
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Blagh, I've been staring at this STUPID worksheet for at least an hour now trying to figure out why my stupid balance sheet doesn't balance. *cries* ;__;
This really sucks. However, on a side note, you've got to check this out.
Well, I finally finished my stupid essay at like 2AM in the morning. It's all bullcrap, so I'll probably get a severely poor mark... but anyway. *shrugs
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It's freaking one o'clock in the morning and I've only analyzed 1.5 out of 3 poems. I'm so screwed. None of my essay makes sense, anyway. I hate my English class.
My eyes burn, my head is pounding, my wrist hurts and my fingers sting. Gah.
*cough* Shinikaru *cough* I'm kidding. I told you I wasn't dead.
Edit: Anybody still alive? Say "I". ;__; By the by, can someone tell me how to make my LJ tables smaller (where my entries are, I want those tables smaller)?
My teachers are all too anal. I need sleep now. Anyway, I got the Matthew Good CD yesterday (Avalanche) and it rules. I can't think straight, I'm tired. Rambling randomly is fun. On a side note, RedMoon is fun... however, I keep on getting killed by crazy "Thugs". Kekeke~