Title: The Longest Day [1/?]
Genre: AU, fantasy, romance, slight horror
Rating: R
Word Count: 1968
Pairing: JongKey
Summary: Jonghyun and Key move to a new town together and their perfect life begins to shatter.
It still hasn’t been a whole twenty four hours though. It’s been only about twelve since his leaving, but Jonghyun was already fearing the worst. )
Comments 12
it felt so real, and even i believed it!!
omg please write moree, i miss your writing lol
can't wait to read more of this :)
And omo, you do?? That makes me all kinds of hyper, you know?
Thank you so much for reading!<3
this chapter is a tease >< cant wait to read the next chapter ><
(Also *cough cough* I love how their relationship is already established. I just love it. <3)
Take advantage of those two weeks to the max! ^^
(I'm so happy that you do because I've wanted to write a fic with them being a couple already since forever! x"D)
Sorry for disappointing you with the lack of update by the way xD But it should be up in, idk, 2 days maybe ^w^
Wah, I'm so glad you like it so far!!<3 About Jjong, well, things will happen, I just hope it won't be TOO vague later on xD
Ne, I miss your fics too, sfm (still haven't commented on your JongYu, but I'm going to fix it tomorrow <3), and, idk how many times I've already said it, but any time I see your comment it, idk, feels like home... no matter how stupid it sounds x"D
And I hope that it'll get better in your family TT______TT
Love you!!!♥♥♥
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