Term XXVIII, Issue 2

Jan 27, 2014 07:30

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Term XXVIII, Issue 02                                                                                                                              January 27, 2013

Welcome to hogwartsishome! You will find many great people and many, many fun things to do. We hope you'll have a great time with us at Hogwarts!

Common rooms:
gryff_lions the_puff_house
ravenclaw_house cunningfolk

Activity: Harry Potter Word Puzzles, Part 2
Participation Points: Participation Only. 10pts/5kts (+5 bonus points with a Daily Prophet subscription
Deadline: Saturday, February 8th, 11:59pm UTC
Details: Solve the following Harry Potter word puzzles by guessing what HP concept/phrase/person/thing they're alluding to. 2pts/1kt per correct answer.

Solve the puzzles here!


Activity: Harry Potter Word Puzzles, Part 1
Details: Create a word puzzle that is Harry Potter related. You can use either a phrase, a quote, or a concept. They have to be obviously HP-related and they have to be unique.

House Totals:
Gryffindor: 55
Hufflepuff: 30
Ravenclaw: 30
Slytherin: 40

By xonceinadream


► We have a new layout for Term 28! Check it out on hogwartsishome. See the winners here and congratulations to Susan/susako for having the winning layout.
Term 28 Appeals Judges have been announced. Congratulations to judges from each house.
The Order's Diagon Alley Bonanza is back again. Deadline for submission is January 30 at 11pm UTC time so be sure to get in those bingo cards for prizes.
The Order's Get to Draw Each Other is a new activity based on Get to Know Each Other where you draw what you've learned about your partner (or what you can see from another person's answers). Both are finished on January 30 at 11 pm UTC. If you haven't yet, you must request a partner for Get to Know Each Other by January 28.


► Stephanie/lotrangel17 would like you to check out avland, a land comm for the Avengers.
► Laís/lais_fb shared a video that all Potter-Heads must see.
► Emma/orpheous87 would like your votes so that her dog can be on the cover of a magazine.
► Alexandra/coolceruleanblu has an adorable post-it note version of Rainbow Dash to share.
► Kaity/kaitydid33087 would like you to know about a Harry Potter team forming for a crafting competition.

Don't forget to check out HIH on twitter and tumblr. @hihnews and fromplatform934.

Apply to be a:
Registered Animagus
HP Character

Writing Communities:

Icon Making Communities:

Sponsored Shops

Attention Shop Owners!
Would you like to see your banner here? Then come over to this post to find out how!

By slumber

"Dear Professor Dumbledore,

I have a problem. I went home for the holiday and I seem to have misplaced my Potions book while I was there. I have looked everywhere and have even sent frantic messages to my mum and dad but it is no where to be seen. Professor Snape will kill me if he finds out. What should I do? HELP!!!

In Mortal Danger"

Dear In Mortal Danger,

One might suggest you use Accio Potions book to solve this dilemma, but that requires you knowing where your book lays. Unfortunately, short of purchasing another one from Flourish and Blott's, I'm afraid you have limited options. I would encourage you to let Professor Snape know - as a professor of this fine institution, he is contractually obligated to keep most students alive - and he will provide you with an extra copy of the textbook.

Who knows, you might just find some unexpected insight there too.


"Dear Mister Dumblydore,

Hi, sir. My mom said that I should drink more water instead of butterbeer. *hiccup*

What do you think?

-Butterbeer is Best"

Dear Winky Butterbeer is Best,

If your Butterbeer-induced hiccup is strong enough that it manifests itself in written word, then I find myself in agreement with your water.


"Dear Dumbles,

What's the best strategy for winning a snowball fight?

Snowed In"

Dear Snowed In,

Start it.


"Dear Dumbledore,

I have been having a few issues of late. I find that I am a bit scatterbrained over which activity that I should do next. I am an overachiever and would love to do them all, but then I just fail and complete a few.

What would you suggest that I do?

a concerned snake"

Dear concerned snake,

You might want to see a Ravenclaw (any Ravenclaw, let us be realistic) about a spreadsheet.


Write to Dumbles
You can write to your headmaster here; Dumbledore will try to respond to all letters, but there may be some delay before he gets to yours. All letters dealt with in strictest confidence.

If you would like to write an article for a future issue of the Daily Prophet, please comment at the signup sheet.

Term XXVIII, Issue 02                                                                                                                              Page 2

By la_loony

By wasureneba

Hello and welcome, all! We hope that everyone enjoyed last weekend's Hogsmeade to the fullest.

Before we move on to all the Hogsmeade fic, we first have some Writer's Block results! The first challenge, "Snow that isn't snow," garnered seven entrants. Jayden/slashedsilver took first place, with Kristine/flipflop_diva coming in second and Empress/empressempoleon coming in third. Congrats to our winners, and thank you to everyone who submitted lovely fic! Be sure to read all the entries here.

The second challenge, "Overheard," has just closed here; voting will go up soon, so keep an eye out for it!

We next have Hogsmeade! The Fic and Art Exchange garnered quite a few beautiful fanworks; we absolutely suggest that you go and look through them all, if you haven't already. If you're pressed for time, though, here are a few highlights:

Curtis/musikurt takes the Hogsmeade theme in hand and goes back to the Founders, bringing us this ficlet with Rowena and a beast-fighting Godric.

If you were ever wondering how "Hoggy Warty Hogwarts" became the school song, Colleen/schizophrenic0 has answers for you here.

Need some comedy? Jayden/slashedsilver has it for you in spades: Harry/Draco Veela mating fic, what?.

Caitie/caitieness also brings us the laughs, with Luna learning how to cook.

If you, like me, have a constant need to roll your eyes at Gilderoy Lockhart, Colleen/schizophrenic0 has just what you need in this examination of Gilderoy and the Sorting Hat.

If, on the other hand, you'd rather get a dose of Lucius Malfoy playing a deep game, Evy/slumber is here for you with this tale of sneakiness.

Emily/xonceinadream comes bearing Dramione, and something that even looks like the beginnings of friendship between Draco, Ron and Harry in this adorable ficlet.

For those who are interested in some femslash, Empress/empressempoleon has some squeefully adorable Ginny/Luna.

Need crossovers? This Hogsmeade is full of them. Ren/renrenren3 gives us Jaeger pilots, Colonel McGonagall, and a hint of Harry/Draco in this Pacific Rim crossover. Caitie/caitieness supplies us with a Teen Wolf crossover with a very intimidating and amazing Lavender Brown.

We'll see you all in another two weeks, dear readers, and until then, may your quills be sharp!

hh_sugarquill sortedchallenge hogwartsicons
By evening12

Welcome to another edition of Fanart Spotlight. I hope that you all had a lovely Hogsmeade Weekend, and that you had some time to check out some of the works that were created during Sugarquill's Fic & Art Exchange. Here's a peek at what happened.

Rachel/moony_blues of Slytherin made great use of textures in creating a beautiful graphic of Draco and Harry.

Check out Rachel's work, right here.

Hufflepuff's Avi/flyingharmony made a graphic for her fellow Hufflepuff Kaity/kaitydid33087

Check out Avi's work, right here.

Art-wise, Ren/renrenren3 of Ravenclaw drew an angry-looking Bellatrix for William/mmailliw.

Check out Ren's work, right here.

Noe/sickle_girl of Hufflepuff drew an adorable Luna for Ren.

Check out Noe's work, right here.

In this edition, I also come delivering results from sortedchallenge's first challenge. Gryffindor and Slytherin took the lead in this first challenge. Gryffindor's Morgan/wizbey and Liz/erzsebet took 1st and 2nd place respectively. Tiffany/fangss of Slytherin tied Liz for 2nd place, while her housemate Beth/djmayhem_aubrey took 3rd place. Nikki/nowheretogo26 of Hufflepuff received the award for "best coloring".

We also have some Modly News that was posted recently. If you haven't heard, sortedchallenge will now run some non-icon challenges, and a post for volunteer banner makers has gone up (although you still get points!).

Things have been unusually calm over at hogwartsicons. Kristine/flipflop_diva of Hufflepuff represented her house by earning 125 points with 16 Harry and the Philosopher's Stone banners.

Stop by and leave Kristine some comments, right here.

Gryffindor's Emily/xonceinadream had some well-captioned banners to share.

Stop by and leave Emily some comments, right here.

I love being on the lookout for new things to share and hope to see more of our resident artists and graphic makers' creations soon. I'm off for this edition of the Prophet, but keep on sharing your wonderful pieces of art and you might find yourself in the spotlight next time!

By xonceinadream

Hello club-goers (or just club column readers)!

For our first bit of news, there's an open club leader position! Art Club is open for leadership applications until January 27 at 11:59pm UTC. Be sure to read the rules if you're going to apply!

Let's look at some recent results and winners from Clubs. Defense Against the Dark Art's Snape's Resolutions was won by Tiffany/fangss from Slytherin with the below entry about why Snape would be the best teacher ever.

1. Lots of intense staring and judgment. Students will work faster under the pressure!
2. If you're bored of the curriculum you can simply stare at his luscious locks. Fun for hours.
3. At the end of class he will ignore you completely as you wish him a good day. That's dedication.

Additional congratulations to Shannen/mistress_orange from Slytherin for her 2nd place entry and the 3rd place winner Caiti/caitriona_3 from Gryffindor.

And some more winners are from History of Magic's Sutek's Tomb activity. Round of applause to Emily/xonceinadream of Gryffindor for first place, Rene/isaac_of_nine for second place and Ren/renrenren3 of Ravenclaw with third place!

In other news, Care of Magical Creatures has gone through a roster cleanup. If you haven't participated in two terms, then you've been removed. Don't forget that animals expire so be sure to check your pets! You can also use the Bonus Item Expiration Registry to keep track of when your items expire.

Herbology Club recently posted its new roster so be sure to sign it if you'd like your bonus points for Herbology activities. It also has a new activity open. HP Trivia asks you to answer ten trivia questions about plants in Harry Potter. You earn 2 points for each correct answer and it's due January 30 at 11pm UTC.

Not interested in doing work like that? Dueling Club asks you to play a game of Pacman in its new activity Here Comes Pacman. You can earn 10 points for participating and the top 3 scores will win placement points! Be sure to participate by January 31 at 11:59pm UTC.

And, as always, you can view any other open activities using the current tag and the results in the results tag. (That one's shocking, I know.)

Have fun in those clubs!

Running the Books

Looks like a very ambitious student has become a rather profitable bookie! This fourth year is taking bets on everything from Quidditch matches to what homework the professors will assign. If you are looking for an easy bet, try laying some money on Hermione Granger to get the highest grade in any class. But good luck finding this slippery fellow -- you need a password and at least a galleon to place a wager.

Cosy by the fire?

Who are the two Ravenclaws who have been cosying up by the fireplace? Rumour has it that the two of them are sharing more than just hot chocolate…

Ghouls Gone Wild

Is there truly a secret part of Hogwarts castle overrun with mad ghost parties full of hijinks and debauchery? Only the non-living know for sure!

Silly String

A Slytherin fifth-year got a hold of some Muggle contraption called Silly String, and is now wreaking havoc on unsuspecting second-years all throughout the dungeons. The big question is...how did this proudly pure-blood Slytherin come so close to Muggles to steal from them?

Got gossip? Tell us here!

Source: TomperWomper on DeviantArt

By starfaerie82

The fires within burn hot, which may turn out useful given the atrocious weather outside of late! Be careful that your temper does not burn along with them or they will consume you outright rather than keeping you warm and focused.

Patience is a virtue you possess in spades! However, said fabled patience does not extend to the wait for warmer weather and sunny skies. Don't be a stick in the mud; try new things this year and you may just find something you like.

Your dual nature serves you well in dealings with others, and your creativity comes in handy as cabin fever creeps through the halls. Remember, just because you know a little about just about everything, not everybody is interested in listening to you talk endlessly, and jump topics so fast their heads spin.

As the winter creeps onward, you ought to be wary of letting others get to you. Remember that they too are feeling the pressure of being cooped up. A little understanding can go a long way toward keeping your sanity and the peace in common rooms, classes and common areas.

Your desire to be the center of attention is most definitely unwelcome in these months of long cold nights and howling, bitter winds. Instead, try being part of the ensemble rather than the star. You may find it keeps the peace, and keeps fellow students from resenting you.

Staid, patient, ... let's face it, you can be downright dull sometimes. Why not change things up a bit and talk to somebody new, try a new hobby, or even tell that certain someone you're interested? Change is scary, but almost always worth it. Don't be a stick in the mud forever!

Balance is key for you in the new year. Balance your studies with something you find enjoyable - be it a bubble bath, a good book, time with friends, or something else. Just remember not to overindulge or your world could wind up crashing down around your ears in a not too nice way.

Stinging remarks have their place, but that place is not among friends or classmates. Save it for your house talent night and use it in a comedy routine. That said, the fires of your creativity could use some nurturing. Why not use the shut in months ahead to finish those projects, or start something new?

Take time during these cold days and long, dark nights to get yourself hyper-organized. Come exam time you will appreciate being able to find everything, and whatever that is growing in your trunk ought to be discarded anyway. A philosophical streak may cause you to wax poetic, but for now those dark poems are best kept under wraps.

Don't let the weather or juvenile hijinks get your goat too badly. Remember that a little levity is often a good thing in tough times and try to at least crack a smile. It may be in your nature to burrow within during the colder months, but try to remain available to those around you as well.

As the cold winds blow, consider the ever-shifting landscapes outside and remember that change is more or less inevitable. Lay back, relax, and see where the winds of change blow you. Don't be too uptight, or the ride could get bumpy and unpleasant.

While water is freezing everywhere, consider the uniqueness and stunning beauty of the snowflake. Each crystalline structure is so perfect and fragile. Remember that some things in life are fleeting, and those are the things worth cherishing and holding onto. Be the snowflake, and be yourself rather than a copy of somebody else.

By jamie_love13

Hello all, and welcome to the first Flourish column of the new term (even if we are a month in!). For the first article, I have an interview I did with both of your mods - Morgan/wizbey of Gryffindor and Nikki/nowheretogo26 of Hufflepuff.

1. First off, let's start with a small blurb about yourselves!

M: HI! I’m Morgan. I’m 22 (23 in March!). I generally come up with witty things to say anytime between two hours and 24 hours after the fact. I’m in my last semester as a nursing student (on a birthing unit!) and soon I shall have my BScN and RN license! What this has taught me is to basically function on about 4 hours of sleep. It has also make me really like sleep. As such, I don’t have much time to watch TV shows but I do make sure I have time for Agents of SHIELD. And I have recently been devouring Person of Interest. I adore the Avengers and I have recently gotten into the Hawkeye comic books. I’m really excited to co-mod Flourish this term! This is going to be an amazing term ♥

N: Well, I’m Nikki, a Hufflepuff through and through. I’m 25 and a self-proclaimed TV addict. If you watch a show, chances are that I either watch it already or it’s on my ever-growing to-watch list! When I’m not watching TV (or working one of my two jobs), I love doing graphic design and participating in landcomms. I live an exciting life ;) Beyond thrilled to be modding Flourish again this term :D

2. Awesome. Are you guys excited to be working with one another?

N: I can’t speak for Morgan, but I am loving working with her! She’s super friendly and easy to work with ... I’m so happy y’all chose us to work together, because I can tell we’re gonna have a blast this term. <3

M: I am super excited to be working with Nikki. She’s been fantastic with teaching me everything I could ever need to know about modding Flourish, and I don’t feel stupid asking her questions I feel I should already know the answer to. She’s fantastic, and I’m having a blast not only working with her but also just talking to her. I really feel like I’ve made a friend, which is awesome!

3. What made the two of you want to be mods?

M: I love Flourish. I feel like it’s really important because you have the option of using a sigtag at Platform and for clubs and it’s nice that you can find ones without having to make them yourself. I really wanted to be more involved in HiH this term, and I felt like stepping up and modding a community would be a perfect way to do that. I just really love Flourish and really wanted to be a part of it. Besides, all of sigtags are so pretty and now I can stare at them all I want.

N: I agree with Morgan - I love Flourish. I’m also a super organized person by nature, so a community that relies heavily on spreadsheets and organization is a perfect fit for me. When I first applied for Flourish, it was the first time I’d stepped out of my comfort zone and applied for an official position. Modding that first term was TERRIFYING, but has made my experience at HiH so much better. Plus, Flourish is one of those places where you can find something for everyone. If you like puppies or anime or TV shows or movies ... you’ll find a shop that’s got something you love.

4. When you learned you guys were going to be mods, were you excited?

M: I was super excited to mod Flourish this term! To be honest, when I applied and it went to voting, I didn’t think I would get it but I did and I squeed over it when I saw I had. Not ashamed to admit that at all. I really want to do a good job with modding. I love Flourish, and I feel that really kind of dips down during Hogsmeade, and I want to help bring participation back up. I didn’t really know who Nikki was (apart from modding Flourish last term), so I was excited to get to know someone outside of my house!

N: I was definitely excited! Flourish is one of my favorite parts of HiH and modding there for the last couple terms has made the experience so much better. I was extra excited to get to work with Morgan, because we hadn't really had a chance to get to know each other that well before, but I knew we'd get to this term :)

5. Any small changes to be made, like the new week layout?

M: Nikki playing with coding has made me want to play with coding, so I think the next shop sweep post will look a little different. Other than that, it’s just the changes relating to our plans, which are secret ♥ We’re always open to ideas as well!

N: I've been trying to clean up the coding on all the usual mod posts, trying to make things a little more organized and pretty looking. Otherwise, we just want to keep things running as smoothly as possible. But if anyone has any suggestions for us, we're always open to ideas!

6. Any big plans for Flourish this term?

M and N: We do have a couple things planned! We're working with the Hogsmeade Mayors with regards to Flourish at Hogsmeade. We've also got some social post ideas. So stay tuned ;).

Thanks a lot guys! The interview's been enlightening. For the next Flourish column, we'll be going back to the old type of interviews~

By starfaerie82

Hello from the FROZEN northern climes my furry, feathered, scaly, and finned friends!

With the kick off of the new term, there is a lot going on in the Animagus community. First up, we have a bit of a hybrid term-long thing going on. We have badges like last term, but also Habitat Packs, which is similar to the evolution adventure from a few terms ago. Sign up for your habitat pack and through the term participate in fun activities and social posts to earn your pack the most points!

Next, the January Animagus voting batch has dropped and you still have time to get those votes in. There is only one applicant this time, so why not check it out and offer up your vote? Remember to follow the rules and check to make sure you are not offering up a choice that has already been claimed. There are also some cheat sheets to help you narrow down your myriad choices.

Finally, the January activity is winding down, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still give it a go! It's a cute little flash game, and all you have to do is earn at least 500 points, screencap the results and post it to the comments section of the activity thread. Simple, and you earn both points and knuts for it. If you are a registered animagi, you earn a five-point and two-knut bonus! So why not apply today?

That's all I have for now my friends. Until next time ... Stay awesome!

By flipflop_diva

Hey, HiH! Raise your hand if you’re still recovering from Hogsmeade. Just me?

Well, before we put it entirely behind us, let’s take a look at what went on this past weekend.

The fun began Friday night when we all left Hogwarts and were magically transported back in time to frolic with the four founders themselves. With the guidance of our three social directors, Beth/prongsy of Gryffindor, Whitney/csichick_2 of Hufflepuff and Susan/susako of Ravenclaw, we jousted with each other, had our fortunes told, tried to outsmart each other in Guess Who, played some rowdy games of Apples to Apples, solved some riddles and filled a time capsule.

Of course, there were also numerous points-earning activities as well. Some of the highlights included: a really hard scavenger hunt through Diagon Alley, a re-interpretation of songs to make them House-specific, some house pride karaoke, a chance to build your own Hogwarts, a recipe exchange sponsored by Helga, a sword-locating challenge sponsored by Godric’s house, a look at the original sorting ceremony, a quest to stop a rampaging dragon, a shopping trip to furnish all the Common Rooms and some four humors stamping.

And even that is not all! There was also a Founding Feast, a couple meetings with Monty Python and a Time-Traveler’s Send-Off Party. Plus don’t forget about Flourish shops and stalls and stamping. No wonder we were all so tired come Monday morning!

But now that the fun is over, results have been pouring in. Next issue, we’ll go over the results in more detail and find out who took home some shiny trophies, souvenirs and banners.

For now, though, make sure you head over to the Flourish shops and stalls delivery posts and check to see if there are any super shiny sigtags waiting for you. (You can also use the Flourish Mods’ super awesome and incredibly handy spreadsheet instead of just trolling through the posts, if you want.)

And if you haven’t yet, be sure to fill out the Hogsmeade survey and vote on some of your favorite activities of the weekend.

Also, in case you haven't heard, we have sadly lost one half of the mayoral team. Bei/sapphoatsunset has had to step down, so the HiH Mods need someone to fill her gigantic shoes. Interested? Apply for mayor here. Apps are due at 11p UTC February 1!

Until next time, may Godric, Helga, Rowena, Salazar and Hogsmeade be with you always <3

If you would like to write an article for a future issue of the Daily Prophet, please comment at the signup sheet.

Term XXVIII, Issue 02                                                                                                                              Page 3

gryff_lions|Flourish Shoppes|Pirates
By xonceinadream

Hello, hello Gryffindo'! (Look I rhymed!)

So, first things first! We've had two bb!cubs since last edition of the Daily Prophet. Give a warm welcome to Laís/lais_fb and Arini/geurimja. Check out a welcome, a quick how-to guide and some sigtags so you can get started here. Laís also posted an introduction if you'd like to give her a more personalized welcome. While you're wishing them welcome, be sure to give our January Birthday bbs some love too.

For Term 28, your prefects will be bringing back Good Ship Gryffindor! If you'd like more information or to sign up for a team, you can look here. All point-earning activities around HIH will earn you Dubloons, and the teams with the most Dubloons will earn special ~super secret prizes!

Jess/rhye updated the Spreadsheep for us! Everybody should give her a great round of applause. Remember that it's open to everybody to keep track of what they do! And if you want to fill those squares, Martine/la_loony posted an Activity Round-Up for us. And if you want to earn some super easy points, Jayden/slashedsilver posted about the Order Lottery.

Jayden/slashedsilver wanted everybody to know that it was National Hug Day and urged Gryffs to share their favorite hugging gifs. Rene/isaac_of_nine had a Doctor Who Fanmix to share along with the gif below.

Gryffindors have been kicking some butt around HIH too!

First, congratulations to Liz/erzsebet who earned second place in the layout contest, earning Gryffindor 60 points!

In clubs, Caiti/caitriona_3 got third place in DADA's Snape's Resolutions.

Beth/prongsy earned a third place tie in Charms Club's Cover Reveal.

At Hogsmeade, Rene/isaac_of_nine earned third place for Hufflepuff's Reassembling Helga and first place for Care of Magical Creatures' Stop that Dragon.

At Sorted Challenge, congratulations to Morgan/wizbey who won first place and Liz/erzsebet who got a tie for second place in Challenge 1.

Let's keep it up Gryffindors! Are we awesome?

And that's the truth. Until next time!

the_puff_house|Flourish Shoppes|Puffs of the Round Table
By kaitydid33087

Hello once again Puffs! Hope you're all doing well!

We've had several members return to us in the past couple of weeks. Give a warm re-welcome to Rebecca/classical_wolf. You can find her re-introduction here!. Brina/brinchen86 has also come back to the Dens. You can welcome her back here! And, we also had Lizzy/irishjewel rejoin the common room. Stop by and say hi here! Welcome back everyone!

We've been busy Badgers around the comm, taking names and kicking furry butt! Just take a look here...

We won the Astronomy Club activity, the Care of Magical Creatures activity, the Healers' Association activity, the Music Club activity, the Defense Against the Dark Arts activity, the Charms Club activity (congrats to Kristine/flipflop_diva for placing 2nd and Empress/empressempoleon for placing 3rd!), and we also won the first Writer's Block Challenge! In addition, we won the first stamping weekend.

And for Hogsmeade...

We won:
• The Restricted Section activity
• The Sorted Challenge activity
• The Diagon Alley activity
• The Smarmy Society activity
• The History of Magic activity
• The Platform 9 3/4 activity
• The Animagus activity
• The Ministry of Magic activity
• The Sorters Anon activity
• The Care of Magical Creatures activity
• The Puff activity (An extra congrats to Kat/feuerfunke and Danni/misskitty373 for taking 1st and 2nd, respectively!)!
• The Sugarquill Exchange
• And the Healers' Association activity

Way to go everyone! We are doing so awesome so far this term!

Sam/samantha and Dani/pinkphoenix1985 have posted the Weekly Round Up! Stop by and see activities and other things going on around the common room!

Don't forget to stop by and stamp everyone for our first in-house!

Be sure to stop by the Knight Week Prize Check-In to let your giftees know how you're coming with your prizes, if you haven't gotten them to them yet.

And don't forget to come by and do the Social Post! Take a picture of yourself, snap a picture of your handwriting, and ask for recommendations!

That's it for this week Puffs!

Keep up the amazing work!

ravenclaw_house|Flourish Shoppes|Vikings
By susako

'Sup, mah Clawz? Hope we're all doing well! Here's a roundup of what our House has been up to!

We made Mama Rowena proud at Hogsmeade weekend! Claw placed first at Music Club's The Music Of Hogwarts activity and at the Sigtag Sale. One of our very own, Iris/pierhias, also placed third at CoMC's Stop that Dragon! The results are still filtering in so maybe we'll see other areas of Hogsmeade village painted blue? Over at Clubs, we bossed the Restricted Section (of course!) activity Reading Resolutions and Sorter's Anon's Harry Potter at HiH. Over at Sugarquill, Delphine/nearlyconscious posted some sexy art to keep us all warm in the tower! Oh my. Meanwhile, we've been busy at Platform also - congrats to Martine/evening12 for being January week 3's star sorter and Julie/astraeas_world for being week 4's star sorter.

Meanwhile in the tower, we've had a steady stream of posts aside from the usual stamping and Hogsmeade reminders! Erin/anirishlullaby hosted a quick social post (what are you reading/playing/watching etc), The Quibbler issue 2 was posted and Susan/susako reminded us all about the Order lottery/referral system. Oh and while you're at it, Claws, don't forget to participate in January's in-house activity!

That's it while we wait for the next batch of results! Keep being Clawesome, eagles and remember that you can always post in the common room. Even if it's general geeking out or you need a reading buddy, feel free to ask your fellow high flyers! This is Susan, over and out~ xoxoxo

cunningfolk|Flourish Shoppes|Vampire
By autumn_mist

Welcome to another edition of "Cunningfolk", where I tell you all about the fun things going on over in the Slytherin Common Room.

• A BIG WELCOME to Lor/lizbennetdarcy and Cassandra/madclairvoyant, our newest snakes to be sorted into the dungeons.

• CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER FOR Lor/lizbennetdarcy and Ruthie/blaze2242 for becoming our NEWEST Star Sorters of Term XXVIII!!

• Speaking of Star Sorters... have you been collecting your tags? Now everyone who votes on an applicant gets a shiny tag to display!

Now on to Slytherins Around HiH!



• Cassandra/madclairvoyant has posted a drabble entitled "Picture Perfect" that can be viewed HERE

• Krystal/autumn_mist has posted a manip entitled "Voldemort's Newest Horocrux" that can be viewed HERE

• Alice/superficiality has posted artwork entitled "Pansy Parkinson Sux (Blood)" that can be viewed HERE and House Makeup that can be viewed HERE

• Cyn/cyn_ful has posted a fic entitled All I Want For Christmas - Part 3 that can be viewed HERE, a fic: (No Challenge) First Annual Mistletoe Relay Race that can be viewed HERE and Challenge: Lord Voldemort (drabble challenge #21) that can be viewed HERE.



• Beth/djmayhem_aubrey has posted a new event for the Slug Club that can be viewed HERE. Make sure you're on the ROSTER to get those bonus points!

• Cyn/cyn_ful has posted a new event for the Ministry of Magic that can be viewed HERE. Make sure you're on the ROSTER to get those bonus points!

• Krystal/autumn_mist has posted a new event for the Charms Club that can be viewed HERE. Make sure you're on the ROSTER to get those bonus points!



• Don't forget you can order a MAX of 10 sigtags from ALL our Slytherin shops located at hh_flourish if you find any that strike your fancy. Our current shop keepers are:

Krystal/autumn_mist with Accio Malfoy

Heather/burningxhope with Black Rabbits

Cyn/cyn_ful with Ultimate Surprises

Tiffany/fangss with Riddikulus

Rachel/moony_blues with MoonyDoodles

OR if you are graphically inclined yourself, why not apply for a spot?. There are currently still FIVE spots available!

And always remember Slytherin House - You ROCK!

If you would like to write an article for a future issue of the Daily Prophet, please comment at the signup sheet.

daily prophet, term xxviii

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