Name: Don Juan, Triumphante! Age: 30 Journal: I write in them often! Contact: Same old
1. Character's Name: Zhaneel 2. Fandom: Heralds of Valdemar 3. Time Frame: Middle of book one, as she is running her obstacle course 4. Age: Approximately 6 (17-20 in human years)
Already understandably upset at being treated like second rate chattel, this with-holding of information causes great strife amongst the gryphons and they stage a coup, sending Skandranon (Urtho's favorite amongst the gryphons) into Urtho's tower to find answers for them all. After finding out the secret to free-breeding, instead of fleeing as Urtho feared, the gryphons remain with their Father to defend and fight for their army. They prove not only to their Father that they are so much more than he thought, but also those humans that thought them no more than breathing cannon fodder. They are viewed with a new level of respect and treated with better dignity than they have been since their creation. During the final battle, those that cannot fight help evacuate the encampments and the flee to safer grounds by way of Gates, taking with them books and information of import that will prove vital to starting a new colony. It is not until after the simultaneous deaths of Urtho and Ma'ar that any of the gryphons begin striking out on their
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6. Personality:Years of emotional abuse has taken it's toll on the young gryphon, Zhaneel. Losing both parents at a very young age, her care was entrusted to the Trondi-irn (non-human healer) of the Sixth Wing. Most unfortunately for the gryphlet, Winterheart (said Trondi'irn), was amongst many that believed gryphons to be no more than unintelligent beasts not worth her time and certainly worth no more concern than she would show an injured war-horse. Had some care been shown, it is likely Zhaneel would not be half the emotional wreck that she is
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What is Zhaneel?: A desire to not only survive, but to excel. When Amberdrake reads Zhaneels emotions and finds her suicidal, he also notes in her a desire to be recognized and to make her death count for something. It's not that she wants to make an impression on those around her (though she does seek to impress the attractive Skan), but that she wishes to prove she's better than she is thought of
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7. Previous Game Developments: NA, taking her fresh.
8. Appearance: Zhaneel is a gyrfalcon, namely a gryphon with falcon shape and coloring. Her wings are longer and slimmer, allowing her to fly higher/faster than her brethren. Her coloring is that of her namesake.
She is approximately three times the size of an adult human male, which is approximately horse sized in comparison. She can hold up to 180lbs in flight without the aid of magic to lighten to load. (ie: average adult, packs, etc etc)
9. Abilities:Human-like forefeet - She can do pretty much anything a human can with their own hands, save it's with taloned feet so she has to be a bit careful
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13. Writing sample - Third Person Prose:The smells were one of the first things that alerted the gryphoness that something drastic had changed. The smells and the way the sun no longer sat in the sky, its light no longer cutting through the foliage of the trees strewn about her obstacle course. Slowly Zhaneel comes around, inner lids sweeping across her yellow eyes several times as she lifts her head from the stone and dust covered floor. She shakes her head several times, remembering only the intense feeling of free-fall, although she had been completely in control of her flight just moments ago
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Lastly, come on over to the keep_ooc and introduce yourself! You are also welcome (and encouraged!) to say hello in our AIM chat, chatofthekeep. Get yourself settled in and if you have any questions, please contact a moderator!
Age: 30
Journal: I write in them often!
Contact: Same old
1. Character's Name: Zhaneel
2. Fandom: Heralds of Valdemar
3. Time Frame: Middle of book one, as she is running her obstacle course
4. Age: Approximately 6 (17-20 in human years)
5. Background:::The Mage Wars ( ... )
8. Appearance:
Zhaneel is a gyrfalcon, namely a gryphon with falcon shape and coloring. Her wings are longer and slimmer, allowing her to fly higher/faster than her brethren. Her coloring is that of her namesake.
She is approximately three times the size of an adult human male, which is approximately horse sized in comparison. She can hold up to 180lbs in flight without the aid of magic to lighten to load. (ie: average adult, packs, etc etc)
9. Abilities:Human-like forefeet - She can do pretty much anything a human can with their own hands, save it's with taloned feet so she has to be a bit careful ( ... )
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