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Jetfire | part 1 angleofscience October 6 2011, 22:37:21 UTC
Name: Chibi
Age: 26
Journal: N/A
Contact: Princess of Yuri (AIM)

1. Character's Name: Jetfire
2. Fandom: Transformers: Dreamwave comics
3. Time Frame: Vol 3, right before Jetfire confronts Sunstorm up in the skies above Earth and his death via explosion, issue six (Atonement).
4. Age: Several million years, but this doesn't seem as if it could be counted as "old" in the least. No idea of human equivalent.


Jetfire | part 2 angleofscience October 6 2011, 22:39:35 UTC
5. Background: Before the war, Jetfire was a scientist at the Academy. However he and Starscream met there, they became friends - as close as siblings - and research partners, which caused him to take a long time in joining up with the Autobots. This suspicion was what caused Prowl not to either reveal to Jetfire he was checking out the new Decepticon mobile battle station with a group of Autobots, or, indeed, even bring Jetfire on that mission, even as Jetfire had been the one to submit the original report on it. Jetfire questioned the escalating conflicts between the various splintered factions (the Autobots and Decepticons had splintered in smaller factions earlier when Megatron and Optimus Prime disappeared in a transwarp accident), noting that there was some sort of pattern to these things, and that he just couldn't see it. This led him to contacting Shockwave, as they were both similarly scientifically-minded and could, as logic dictated, set their differences apart and pool their resources to attempt to find this pattern ( ... )


Jetfire | part 3 angleofscience October 6 2011, 22:40:12 UTC
Background, cont.: Which was when Starscream was attacked by his clone, Sunstorm. Jetfire fought the clone after Starscream defrosted him, using both afterburners and the revolving guns mounted on his helmet, unaffected (at least temporarily) by Sunstorm's radioactive powers due to his upgraded armour which was made to stand interstellar travels. Even after shooting the orange and white Seeker so as he should have died, the wounds were quickly closing, so Jetfire told Starscream to come with him if he wanted to survive. They then went to the Autobots, figuring out Sunstorm was a clone and also how to counterfeit Starscream's energy signature, so as to be able to lure Sunstorm away so he could be contained. The first attempt, with Bumblebee in a small attack ship failed when Sunstorm caused the ship to crash, but Jetfire went after the Seeker clone and fought him until Bumblebee managed to shoot the inhibitor they'd constructed onto Sunstorm. Sunstorm fled, and Jetfire's radiation-resistant armour was pretty much finished after that ( ... )


Jetfire | part 4 angleofscience October 6 2011, 22:40:54 UTC
6. Personality: Jetfire's a patient mech. He's not just slow to anger (and any expressions of such temper is usually subdued until further provocation, or if whatever provoked him was serious enough), but also has a high threshold for behaviour most wouldn't put up with. Things like verbal antagonism, teasing, physical cries for attention... Or even outright physically harmful, condesceding or otherwise "mean" behaviours, but there are conditions here; firstly, he tolerates more of this towards himself than towards others, and secondly; Starscream. His patience serves him well not just dealing with Starscream, but his preferred pursuits, which is several flavours of science. He'll go through his theories, hypotheses, facts and results as slowly as needed and if it takes time to get any of the results/observation, the time it takes is the time it takes. Jetfire doesn't do short-cuts when it comes to science ( ... )


Jetfire | part 5 angleofscience October 6 2011, 22:41:36 UTC
7. Previous Game Developments: N/A

8. Appearance: A very large giant alien robot (prior to being shrunk, anyway). Being as jets are around 28', and Jetfire is several feet taller than Starscream, who is a jet, he's, normally, huge. His altform, since he can, like any Cybertronian, change from robot to a vehicle is a sort of 'super jet'... Or, looks very much alike the Valkyrie from the Macross anime. He's mostly white with some red details, arms and legs more rounded than the rest. He also wears a huge, red booster pack on his back.

9. Abilities: Jetfire, being a robot with a jet for an alt, can fly (which he can do in alt as well as robot mode). His armour's also been modified for interstellar travel, and is as such extremely thick and durable. Normally, it can withstand the radiation in space, but due to Sunstorm's repeated attacks, that part is pretty shot at the moment ( ... )


Jetfire | part 6 angleofscience October 6 2011, 22:42:36 UTC
13. Writing sample - Third Person Prose: It had been surprisingly easy to - despite not knowing the circumstances or the situation - attack Sunstorm, simply knowing that Starscream needed some sort of assistance. Honestly, it had also given him something to focus on, especially when the orange and white Seeker didn't just defend himself, but displayed some... unnatural strength and that fascinating radiation ability.

"So, where, exactly, are you taking me?" Starscream didn't sound very impressed. In fact, there may have been a mocking tone underlying the sneer; he knew as well as Jetfire did that Jetfire didn't have a good grasp of the lay of the land, so to speak. And yet the Seeker was following diagonally above him, and not attempting to tear away.

"Where would it be best to go?" Jetfire hadn't really planned on forcing Starscream anywhere in particular, except get him out of the ship... Nemesis, before Sunstorm came back online. Waking up, clearly having been frozen just moments before the thawing-cycle had defrosted him, inside ( ... )


Re: Jetfire | part the end! angleofscience October 6 2011, 22:43:18 UTC
14. Writing sample - First Person: [Jetfire apparently figured out the video-function of the journal very quickly, because that's what pops up; a view of someone white, obviously very large, and metal.]

I'm finding the premise I'm supposed to accept rather improbable. The odds of even... ah, something divine having the time to construct a place of safety and then pluck someone... or even several, aren't even astronomical. I'd be generous if I said they were astronomical. [Jetfire only has a faint frown on his faceplates, but his optics are narrowed and his voice heavy with disbelief ( ... )


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