I need to find a better title for these posts, heh. These are lame.
Anyhow. February was an okay month, icon-wise. I thought productivity was probably even with last February - maybe even a few more - but I was obviously wrong because there are many icons here! (More than a few are the same icon with slight changes... but that's gotta count, right?). My inspiration comes and goes and it doesn't help I've gotten sick and work is stressing me out. It's a whole thing.
60 icons! [breakdown][15] Anne with an E [13] Sex Education [10] The West Wing [06] Good Omens [03] Jane The Virgin, The Good Place [02] This Is Us, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, stock [01] Bones, Avengers: Infinity War, The Americans, Superstore
As always, hover for fandom and/or theme :)
elitesimplicity Five layers I've gotta admit, I was super intrigued by the five-layer theme. I quickly realized I use way more than five just to set the caps up or get them to a color I liked or couldn't add all the lighting/textures I'd have added otherwise. In the end, I made a bunch of icons I kinda liked and even went further to where I'd like it on one or two.
Last two alts are obviously more than five layers, :) This was a fantastic challenge and I'll probably try it again at some point. The 5-layer icons look like they're missing something there - light, textures, some more color... IDK.
itsabattlefield I participated in both small battles this month! I loved both prompts - with the right amount of freedom to play around but with enough specificity that my inspiration didn't think I couldn't do it. (It's a whole thing.)
Quick Battles hearts
one screencap, two icons
Below I'll talk about how I made different sets for a small battle. Well, these two + others in the other section are different-ish spins on the same screencap. For the set, I'd have likely gone with the frame one but I like how they both came out.
Small Battles black & white + ... (hover for additional theme + fandom)
[thoughts]This was fun. Black and white might seem like an "easy" technique but it's not when you're trying to make them distinct. This battle had a few things that made me nervous: 1) the decorative accent - that CXG is begging for text but I couldn't find a way to make it work without context 2) I suck at text and struggled a lot with that theme - it'd have been the CXG icon at first and then I couldn't think of anything. Luckily, I happened to watch that GO scene and I thought I could make something fun... so hopefully it is?
one couple, five icons
I tried to go against expectations and seeing as to how I had a lot of feelings about the end of AWAE, I decided to icon Shibert. [more]The funny part is, I kinda made icons for a few more couples (even sort of completed two sets!) and one or two... or more of those icons ended up being used somewhere else. The beauty of this challenge was how broad it was. It could be anything and I dug that. I tried to do slightly different things in each of them and even attempted the frame thing. (A technique I used again with a texture that might be a bit off-center by design and I didn't notice till it was too late on an icon you might've already seen in this post :D)
tvshowsic kiss I almost forgot to enter my icons for the challenge 249 (kiss) at the comm. I had a couple ways it could go but I ultimately had a few caps I wanted to play with. I also knew I couldn't work with the Shibert kiss after having iconed it quite a bit for the other challenge.
[thoughts]Unconsciously, this entry is a lot about contrast - "dark" and "bright" colors; close and far crops. The CJD icon is one of those I kinda made as part of that alt set of five but it ended up being the one that started it all here. I also always forget how hard some Superstore scenes are to get right wrt color. I'm not too convinced by the texture in the background but it looked a tad dark otherwise. I love both vibrant icons a lot.
others: random icons, alts, etc sex education
[thoughts]Probably my second favorite binge this year, next to The Americans (though they're so different). It's such a fun show and I'm not surprised everyone of my coworkers has ended up binging it in the next couple of months. I can't wait to look over the screencaps and make some more icons. Second row was an alt set for small battle 33. For these, I tried to highlight the vibrant, pastel-y the show has already.
[thoughts]I wanna tackle that text icon again, I have more ideas now. The top row are alts for the actual entries for that battle and I do like them. The idea of the frame icon just came to me one afternoon and it wouldn't let me go -- though the effect is different but this one suits the cap and the show better.
[thoughts]Five thousand icons made with the same cap because I kept thinking of ways to work with it. Like black and white + colored subjects, or frames, or coloring it halfway between muted, pastel-y and still somewhat vibrant. It's what happens when the subjects are just small enough that you can do fun stuff, I guess. These icons were all alts and I keep wondering what text would work with the blend one... I actually dig the ways the caps and colors worked, too. Hmm. various + 1 alt for the hearts quick battle
[thoughts]I don't like that Americans icon but it was marginally better than the other one I made (that I wanna remake). Such a good show.