does the fact that my horoscope has been 'undefined' for three days have anything to do with the fact that i'm doing things right but still feeling wrong?
my holidays were good. they made me realize a lot of stuff and i'm really recharged and am totally taking this new year for what it is. a NEW year
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ok. so alberta?? yeah. fuck you. i hope you die. and all of the straight fucking conservative asshole rednecks that you consist of rot in hell. where they deserve to be.
and second. grandmas are scary/sweet/scary.
and third. I LOST MY POT
and fourth. get me the fuck out of here. 6 days. 6days6da6sdatkeote5832956qweatiaew
apparently i'm not only addicted to e, but am courting a 15 year old. fuck, being a celebrity is so amazing. no wonder b.spears loves to show off her cooch.