Bed time story

Nov 02, 2008 18:49

» Claim here « reads me a bedtime story every night ☆

Now, if these colors don't kill you, I don't know what will. =]

Any who, as I was working on my homework, this idea hit my head. almost everyone has had a bedtime story read to them at some point in their life. Why not have your fandom do it every night? <3 It's unorginal, I know. All of my blogcrews seem to be. XD

Rules ★

1. Just tell me if you're taking the code. I'm not gonna make a list this time.
2. Please put "Once upon a time..." in your subject line so I can know you read this.
3. Inform me if the code is not working.

» Claim here « reads me a" _fcksavedurl="">bedtime story every night

blogcrew, dara, bed time