Title: Understanding Rating: PG Genre: Angst, Romance Pairing: Doctor/Rose Spoilers: YES. MAJOR ONES. FOR 4x13. Summary: ( Under ze cut due to spoilers )
Hey there! Not asking to friend. Just wanted to thank you for joining sexy_mood_music! I hope you enjoy the wide range of graphics and music we've offered so far!
Feel free to join our promo contest and/or contribute links to our music-sharing post for July! Links are at the left side of our main page (not the profile).
Oh, and if someone referred you to check out the comm, please remember to reply at our promo contest entry with the person's name (in their thread, if they have one) so they get credit for pimping! :)
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Feel free to join our promo contest and/or contribute links to our music-sharing post for July! Links are at the left side of our main page (not the profile).
Oh, and if someone referred you to check out the comm, please remember to reply at our promo contest entry with the person's name (in their thread, if they have one) so they get credit for pimping! :)
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