spn_j2_bigbang season upon us (and, indeed, the season of the vast multitude of Bangs SPN fandom offers), why not warm up with a low pressure case!works challenge? :D
Dean H/C Case!Works Month!
(12 January - 28 February)
[play] [prompt] Banner courtesy of
kalliel. Please leave feedback for the artist in the comments to this post.
http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu86/water_curses/caseficchallenge_zps311b6118.jpg" title="">
Dean H/C Case!Works Month
(12 January - 28 February)
[Click on the image to go to the challenge.]
Banner courtesy of We always welcome and encourage you to help us advertise comm events, btw. Your LJ, tumblr, all the places! \o/
The basics:
Like it says above, this is a Dean H/C case!works fic and art challenge, and you will have this month (and a half). The challenge will run from 12 January up to and including 28 February.
What does "case!works" entail?
"Case!works" isn't as straightforward as some other challenges we've had, but we're taking a fairly lenient definition for this challenge. Any work that showcases a case of some kind, where Dean gets hurt/sick, is fair game! Maybe he's hurt or sick before they land a case, and it causes complications. Or maybe he ~incurs damage while they're working. We ask only that both the case!aspects of your piece, as well as the Dean H/C aspects of your piece, are both showcased.
Basically, this challenge really isn't for case!fics where it's primarily an adventure fic, but Dean sniffles a little in the last two sentences. It's also not for fics where Dean has four broken legs, meningitis, and post-hell issues, but the skinwalking case they were ostensibly on previous to this dire strait is only mentioned in passing.
Whether you're planning an episode-like 5k epic H/C case!fic, or a 500 word H/C in the middle of a dicey hunt, we want it all!
For art, comics are a pretty straightforward way to depict a case--but far from the only way. Anything that suggests something monster- or plot-driven is fair game. Like with fic, a drawing of Dean in the hospital recovering from what we assume miiiiight have been a case isn't quite "case!work" enough (but Dean in the hospital with strange shadows lurking on his ceiling? GO FOR IT).
Long stuff, short stuff, small sketches, full paintings/comic books, plot-driven vids… Go wild. :)
This is a Dean-centric hurt/comfort community, and entries for this challenge should focus on hurt/sick/emotionally devastated/etc. Dean.
Gen, as well as all pairings are accepted.
Fic and art are both accepted and loved. Fics should be at least 500 words; no maximum word count. There are no size guidelines for art.
Because sometimes case!works are multi-part, for this challenge WIPs ARE accepted, but we hope that you post the entire fic by the end of the challenge period. Sometimes things happen, of course, but please work with that deadline in mind. If a fic gets away from you and it ends up being 10k that you don't finish until mid-February, power to you! But if you plan a 100k fic, unless you write really fast…you probably won't finish during this challenge! But personally, I'd love to see some serialized fic/art come out of this challenge. :)
Please only submit works that have not been published before.
Multiple entries per person are accepted and loved!
Posting period:
You can post any time between now and 28 February (anywhere in the world).
How to post:
Our regular posting guidelines/headers apply here. As well, please use the .mini challenge (case!works month) tag when posting. At the end of the posting period a mod/mods will put together a masterlist of all the entries for this challenge. \o/
Late entries:
There will be no extensions for the mini challenges, but if you finish one late we’d still looove to see it. ♥ You can post it late using .amnesty and the .mini challenge (case!works month) tags if you’d like so people interested in the challenge can find it; it just won’t be part of the masterlist. (Well, in actuality, I'll probably add it there anyway, hee. :P)
What if I’d like to participate and don’t have an LJ?
Please do! <333 If that’s the case, either send a PM to hoodietime that includes a link to your image on tumblr/wherever, or send an e-mail to hoodietime [at] gmail [dot] com or PM hoodietime with your art/fic as an attachment. We will gladly post them for you. Please use the subject line ‘Mini Challenge’ when doing so, and include the following details that apply:
Type/medium: (for art only)
You can include a thumbnail or small preview for your art as well, if you’d like.
It is not necessary to join the community in these cases. Watching it will let you keep up with things fine!
Need some inspiration?
There’s a brainstorming post where you can talk about the type of things you’d like to see that fit this these/leave prompts. You can TOTALLY use your own ideas; this is just optional for anyone who likes to work with a more specific prompt.
Oh, and feel free to comment to this post with any questions or comments you may have about the challenge. ;) There's going to be a lot of case!works-related bonus content throughout the month, so be sure to check back regularly!
➽ This post was compiled by kalliel and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.