So, we’re not putting on a holiday-themed comment-fic meme here at the comm because we’re due for a regular comment-fic meme in February and I don’t want them to be too close together. I know, it’s very sad. ;( Sorry? So, in lieu of that, anyone who feels like it should totally fill out the wish list form below and comment to this post with it.
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awry A Dean-centric
Wish List/Wish Fulfillment
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HERE. Schedule:
This post will be open for new wish lists until the end of December, so keep checking on it. Wishes can just be granted whenever; there’s no time limit!
Other relevant info:
This isn’t a challenge (per se), an exchange, or a comment-fic meme, and there are no sure things or strings attached, it’s just some fun in the spirit of whump the season. Here's how it's going to work:
Basically, the form provided below is a Christmas/Hanukkah/holiday wish list, and you can fill it out with 1 to 5 Dean-centric fic/art/whatever ideas that you’re just dying to see! For this event only, ANYTHING Dean-centric goes; it doesn’t have to involve hurt/comfort. Although I’m counting on there being a lot of that, nom nom nom. One wish list per person, please. And your wishes can be as specific or non-specific as you’d like.
Then, you can look through each other’s wish lists, and no promises, but who knows, maaaaaybe someone in the holiday spirit will write/create one of your wishes for you! No claiming necessary, and multiple fills for the same wish are cool.
This isn’t a comment-fic meme, so if you write/create someone’s wish, you can just post it to your own journal and then link the prompter to your creation in this post. It would be extra appreciated if you posted your (hurt/comfort-y) creations to hoodie_time as well. ♥
If you do that, you can use the wish: filled! tag. There are only three rules: As I said above, only one wish list per person, please. Also, no character bashing or rudeness in general. And, no spoilers for future eps. If you’re mentioning events from a recently aired ep, please be courteous and clearly mark that there may be spoilers in your comments/leave spoiler space. Thank-you!
To play, just copy, paste and fill out all or part of the following as a comment to this post:
My Wish List: Wish 1. Wish 2. Wish 3. Wish 4. Wish 5. FAQ:
Q: If I post a wish list, do I have to fill a wish?
A: No.
Q: Can I post a wish list if I’m not a member of this comm?
A: Of course! Although you should totally join us. ::peer pressure:: ;D
Q: Can I post a wish list anonymously?
A: I wouldn’t recommend it for this, since it’ll be difficult to follow if any of your wishes are granted, but you can. I’ll trust you to leave one wish list per person.
Q: What if I want to grant a wish anonymously for whatever reason?
A: In that case, you can send it to me and I’ll post it anonymously under the mod account for you, i.e.;
Looking to adopt a plot/art bunny? Check out the Wish List-ee masterlist, A-Z:
anne_higgins's Wish List ari0's Wish List ariadnes_string's Wish List bellatemple's Wish List bitos's Wish List bt_kady's Wish List candygramme's Wish List claudiapriscus's Wish List countess_k's Wish List crowley_gal's Wish List dante_s_hell's Wish List darth_firefly's Wish List de_nugis's Wish List dizzojay's Wish List doesthatmakeme's Wish List doylescordy's Wish List el_spirito23's Wish List embroiderama's Wish List enviousxbeauty's Wish List eschatologies's Wish List future_shigure's Wish List geckoholic's Wish List greeneyes_fan's Wish List hansons_angel's Wish List honeylocusttree's Wish List i_speak_tongue's Wish List jennytork's Wish List jesseofthenorth's Wish List jessysgirl84's Wish List kcrenegade's Wish List kharouf's Wish List lady_fetish's Wish List laedieduske's Wish List liliaeth's Wish List mad_server's Wish List marlowe78's Wish List maypoles's Wish List my_sam_dean's Wish List neonchica's Wish List nong_pradu's Wish List nwspaprtaxis's Wish List puguita's Wish List ramblin_rosie's Wish List riama82's Wish List roselani24's Wish List roque_clasique's Wish List seize_my_day's Wish List shannon_doll's Wish List stellamaris99's Wish List strgazr04's Wish List starryfif2's Wish List super_pan's Wish List thegeminisage's Wish List tifaching's Wish List turquoisetumult's Wish List twirlycurls's Wish List vie_dangerouse's Wish List wave_obscura's Wish List write_light's Wish List HO HO HO.
ETA: This post is now closed for leaving new Wish Lists. It is still OPEN, however, (and will be indefinitely) for snagging any and all plot/art/etc. bunnies. This event is not just a holiday event; I intend it to be a place writers/artists can go for inspiration now and in the future, so - happy new year, and happy writing! ;)
➽ This post was compiled by
maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.