Challenge 3: A Dean-focused h/c remix challenge / MASTERLIST POST

Jan 09, 2011 16:27

A Dean-focused
h/c remix challenge,
the masterlist

Here’s the masterlist for the remix challenge. THANK-YOU to all participants, remixers and remixees alike. ♥ I think remixes are so much fun, and I hope you guys have been/are enjoying this challenge as much as I am!

A note on late remixes: I will be adding any other remixes that are posted today to the masterlist, as well as a couple in the next week-ish by authors that have asked for extra time, so keep on checking this post. Newly added challenge fics will be marked with a bolded and coloured date added stamp.

Otherwise, if you have a remix you'd still like to post, it won’t be part of the masterlist, but we’d seriously LOVE to read it whenever. You can use the .amnesty tag when posting any late remix fics.

A note on unclaimed or unfilled prompts: Please note that these prompts are not available to be snagged/part of our Lonely Prompts Challenge and are the property of the author only.



Title: Lost Tides (Remix)
Author: annonwrite
Tags: fever
Characters: Dean, Castiel
Genre/pairing: Gen (could be considered some slash right at the end)
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1,526
Spoilers: Through 5.03
Original story: Lost Saints by ariadnes_string
Summary: Dean is sick, Castiel is worried, and slightly out of his element.

Title: Fallow (Remix)
Author: caluk
Tags: undisclosed
Characters: Dean, Muriel (angel)
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 2,066
Spoilers: Seasons 4 + 5, loosely and very vague.
Warnings: References to self-harm.
Original story: Wish You Were Here by rainylemons
Summary: Even the Fallen can find their way home.

Title: Stopping the Apocalypse and Other Acts of Awesomeness (Remix)
Author: darth_firefly @ bluetoastfics
Tags: cancer, death
Characters: Dean, Sam, John, Pastor Jim and a few other - surprises.
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 6529
Warnings: character death
Original story: My Father's Favourite by nong_pradu
Summary: A cautionary tale of being careful what you wish for - and for some, lines you shouldn't cross.

Title: After the Flood (The Beaten and the Damned Remix)
Author: dipenates
Tags: crying!dean, kidnapping, pain: emotional, psychological trauma, ptsd, restraints/ropes/handcuffs
Characters: Dean and Sam, Dean and John
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: R
Word-count: 6000 (total)
Warnings: Bad language. Show-type levels of violence, gore and murder. Violence against children, not perpetrated against, or by, any Winchesters.
Original story: After the Flood by i_speak_tongue
Summary: Some kinds of ugliness take a long time to fade.

Title: Typhoid Mary (Remix)
Author: el_spirito23
Tags: dehydration, delirium, fever, mono
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Genre/pairing: Gen with a tad of Dean/OFC
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 3,764
Warnings: Language
Original story: And Karma Laughed the Hardest by sinnerforhire
Summary: In which an accidental make-out session has severe consequences. Sick!Dean.

Title: Counting to 26 (Remix)
Author: eschatologies @ enderspeaks
Tags: illiteracy
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen, mild AU
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 5712
Spoilers: Season one
Warnings: a couple swears, a smidge of violence
Original story: Just as Easy as 123 by roque_clasique
Summary: Dean is functionally illiterate, Sam is holding things together, and something is abducting children in Washington state.

Title: Your Boy (Remix)
Author: hanyou_sensei
Tags: pretty!dean, sexual abuse: non-con
Characters: Dean, Sam, and some John
Genre/pairing: Hurt/comfort, gen, no pairing.
Rating: PG-13, for content
Word-count: 1600
Spoilers: None, pre-series
Warnings: Non-con molesting, and it's after effects.
Original story: That Boy of Yours by rainylemons
Summary: Sammy deals with the consequences of having a pretty brother. The original story needs to be read, for this story to make sense! And because it's absolutely amazing!

Title: Sea Change (Remix)
Author: harrigan
Tags: flu
Characters: Sam, Dean, smidgen of John
Genre/pairing: pre-series gen
Rating: PG
Word-count: 5720
Spoilers: none (preseries)
Warnings: The original story is a sick!Dean fic from Dean's POV. The remix is the same day, from Sam's POV, so it turned out a little more Sam-centric than some readers might be looking for.
Original story: Reversing the Tide by embroiderama
Summary: 'sea change' -noun
1. archaic : a change brought about by the sea (see Shakespeare's 'The Tempest')
2. a marked change : transformation (e.g. a sea change in public policy)

Title: Inside-Outside (Remix)
Author: honeylocusttree
Tags: cuts/lacerations, hallucinations, hell/post-hell issues, psychological trauma, ptsd, self-harm
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: horror, gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 2800+
Spoilers: S4-ish
Warnings: Horror, slight gore, disturbing imagery, self harm.
Original story: Flashback by tifaching
Summary: Dean POV

Title: The Cloak (Sangre de Cristo Remix)
Author: i_speak_tongue
Tags: broken bone/fracture, drug reaction/interaction, fever, hospitalization, infection, mobility issues, mrsa, nausea/vomiting, unconsciousness
Genre/pairing: Gen, h/c, angst, Motw-ish
Rating: PG13, for swearing and disturbing subject matter (implied)
Word-count: 5996
Spoilers: Very vague ones for season 4 and 5.
Original story: The Cloak by greeneyes_fan
Summary: While Dean recovers from a brutal injury, he secretly questions whether or not the creature Sam supposedly killed is really dead. 'Cause it sure as hell seems like it's not.

Title: You'd Better Go in Disguise (Remix)
Author: i_speak_tongue
Tags: exhaustion, hospitalization, malnutrition, unconsciousness
Characters: Dean, John
Genre/pairing: Gen, h/c
Rating: PG13, for swearing and such
Word-count: 1775
Original story: Trail Magic by bellatemple
Summary: Dean's been lost on the Appalachian Trail for three months, and John is close to giving up when he gets the call.

Title: No Dawn, No Day (Remix)
Author: jaimeykay
Tags: blood-loss, dean's deal, hell/post-hell issues, loss of voice, permanent injury
Characters: Castiel, Dean, Sam, John
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 2,000
Spoilers: Season one
Warnings: Slight gore. And liberties taken regarding angel vessels.
Original story: From a Scream to a Whisper by embroiderama
Summary: Slight AU from season 1. Castiel may not understand how Dean fits into Heaven's plans, but that doesn't stop him from watching.

Title: The Change, It Had To Come (Remix)
Author: jennytork
Tags: addiction, mind control, delirium, drugged, drugs (supernatural), hallucinations, hell/post-hell issues, nausea/vomiting, withdrawal
Characters: Dean, Sam, hoodoo priest, Ruby, Bobby
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 2,470 words EXACTLY.
Spoilers: Through early season 4.
Warnings: lots of confusion and violence -- nothing the show wouldn't show. References to Sam/Ruby.
Original story: Hoodoo by mad_server
Summary: A voodoo priest puts a spell on Dean intended for good -- and events spiral rapidly out of control.

Title: What the Thunder Said (canis lupus remix) NEW! (Added Jan 15th.)
Author: kalliel
Tags: blood-loss, injury, pain, shock, ep: Faith
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: gen, hurt/comfort (hurt!Dean and hurt!Sam), angst, horror(ish?), case!fic
Word-count: 8200
Spoilers: Takes place between 1x12 "Faith" and 1x14 "Nightmare."
Original story: Clawed by nwspaprtaxis
Summary: Presentiment doesn't mean a hunt can't go wrong; in fact, it pretty much ensures that it will. Sam and Dean go wolf-hunting anyway.

Title: Through My Eyes (the Hell On Earth remix)
Author: mad_server
Tags: bed sharing, crying!dean, dean's deal, fainting/collapse, hell/post-hell issues, nausea/vomiting, nightmares, torture, »ep: clap your hands if you believe
Characters: Sam and Dean, and peripherally Ruby and Alastair
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: What comes between PG13 and R? Because, that.
Word-count: 1200
Spoilers: Up to 6.09
Warnings: Blood, torture, PTSD, puke
Original story: Through My Eyes by jennytork
Summary: After Andy sends Dean the vision in AHBL, it’s Dean who’s the clairvoyant one, not Sam. He gets a foretaste of hell and of what comes after. It doesn’t agree with him.

Title: Scorched (Remix)
Author: mcnamcj
Tags: burns, drugs (medical), high
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing:Gen, hurt/comfort, humor
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1373
Spoilers: Season 1 boys
Original story: Burned by nwspaprtaxis
Summary: An encounter with a nasty poltergeist leaves Dean a little worse for wear. Sam tries to make it better. Hurt! Doped Up!Dean Awesome!Sam.

Title: I Miss Mommy (Remix)
Author: mizra
Tags: childhood trauma, pain: emotional
Characters: John, bb!Dean, bb!Sam; mentions of Pastor Jim and Missouri
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: G
Word-count: 1024
Spoilers: up through season 3 is fair game
Warnings: violent imagery and mentions of smoking (nothing we haven't seen on the show before)
Original story: The Only Light by tifaching
Summary: When John puts Dean to bed, he never realized he would keep finding his oldest crawling back into his youngest's crib every night.

Title: Let’s Start At The Very Beginning (Remix)
Author: nwspaprtaxis
Tags: childhood trauma, daddy issues, illiteracy, pain: emotional, self-esteem issues
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Word-count: 4,336
Original story: Just as Easy as 123 by roque_clasique
Summary: Dean’s functionally illiterate and Sam’s determined to remedy it...

Title: The Memory Trace (Remix)
Author: nwspaprtaxis
Tags: abandonment issues, childhood trauma, cold, cough, dissociation/dissociative disorder, dissociative identity disorder, fever, flu
Characters: Bobby Singer and Dean Winchester
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG
Word-count: 1,200
Original story: There’s No You (There’s Only Me) by mad_server
Summary: Bobby Singer's always known Dean Winchester and he'll be the first to admit the kid doesn't have his reality screwed on straight. But it doesn't change the fact he'll always have the kid's ass...

Title: Brighter Than Sunlight (Remix) NEW! (Added Jan 13th.)
Author: rainylemons
Tags: aneurysm, brain injury, death, hallucinations, headache/migraine, hospitalization
Genre/pairing: Gen, h/c, maybe a little horror
Rating: R for language and a little gore
Word-count: 9962
Spoilers: through season 4
Original story: Out of the Blue by sinnerforhire
Summary: Dean suffers an aneurysm and an Evangelical preacher is out to kill him. And there’s maybe an angel. And a reaper. Yep.

Title: This Is What We Will Become (Remix)
Author: rainylemons
Tags: hell/post-hell issues, nightmares, vision loss/blindness
Genre/pairing: horror, h/c (short on the C!), gen
Rating: R
Word-count: 2321
Spoilers: Spoilers to season 6 mid-season
Warnings: bit o’hell and, some potentially triggery material which contains spoilers for the story. More info at fic post.
Original story: Click by jennytork
Summary: Before going to hell, Dean encounters a dream version of himself irrevocably altered by his time in the pit. This vision comes back to him as he loses his sight in later years and an offer is made.

Title: The Most Powerful Voice (The Improving the Silence Remix)
Author: ratherastory
Tags: cough, fever, mutism, psychological trauma, »ep: in my time of dying
Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby (briefly)
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG
Word-count: 2,491
Warnings: No spoilers. Mild swearing.
Original story: Silent Suffering by jennytork
Summary: Sometimes there are no words.

Title: Non Compos Mentis (Remix)
Author: shannon_doll
Tags: mental illness, schizophrenia, self-harm
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: R
Word-count: 7,400
Warnings: mental illness, self-harm
Original story: At Bay by honeylocusttree
Summary: A life redefined. Dean has schizophrenia. Only when he doesn’t.

Title: Eidolon (Remix)
Author: twirlycurls
Tags: concussion/head trauma, psychological trauma
Characters: Sam, Dean, very brief OMC
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG
Word-count: 3,200
Original story: The Existence of Forgetting by chiiyo86
Summary: Dean wakes up as a ghost and immediately knows what he has to do: protect Sam.

Title: Down the Only Road I've Ever Known (Remix)
Author: vie_dangerouse
Tags: curse/spell, dean's deal, fever
Characters: Sam, Dean, and a surprise guest.
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: Unrated
Word-count: 1000ish
Spoilers: Spoilers up through 6.07.
Original story: November, Again by twirlycurls
Summary: There are always loopholes. There are always deals. The sense of deja vu never leaves. Sam makes one last deal for Dean.

Slash :: Dean/Sam

Title: Tinker Tavern Road (the Good Vibrations remix)
Author: mad_server
Tags: fever, hospitalization, injury
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1000
Original story: Tinker Tavern Road by de_nugis
Summary: Sam takes Dean home from the hospital.

Slash :: Dean/Castiel

Title: I’ll Always Choose You (the ‘Castiel’s Devotion’ remix)
Author: stellamaris99
Tags: hell/post-hell issues, psychological issues
Characters: Dean, Castiel
Genre/pairing: Angst, H/C, Dean/Castiel
Rating: R
Word-count: 1000
Warnings: references to torture
Original story: I'll Always Choose You by fate_incomplete
Summary: Dean sacrifices himself for Castiel and has to face Castiel's anger when he finds out. This time with a bit more of Cas’ perspective and a bit more romance.

Title: True North (Remix)
Author: zatnikatel
Tags: depression, drugs (illegal), substance abuse (drugs), ptsd
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, OFC [briefly]
Genre/pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: R
Word-count: 3,682
Spoilers: The End
Warnings: Sexual situations, language, death of a child
Original story: Shelter From The Cold by rainylemons
Summary: He’s fundamental, and always has been…

Other :: e.g. Dean/Dean, Dean/OFC

Title: Forever Ain’t that Long (the Jordan remix)
Author: ariadnes_string
Tags: depression, pain: chronic, permanent injury, suicidal ideation
Genre/pairing: Dean/Dean, Dean/OFC
Rating: R
Word-count: 4K
Spoilers/setting: End ‘verse AU.
Warnings: Along with the same person sex? Depression, permanent injury and vague suicidal ideation.
Original story: Forever Ain’t That Long by wave_obscura
Summary: Dean knew that look. He’d made it himself often enough, from the inside out. And, shit, if he’d ever thought he was on the down-low with that look, he was even stupider than he’d realized.

➽ This post was compiled by maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.

death, pretty!dean, .challenge masterlist, restraints/ropes/handcuffs, hallucinations/delusions, mind control (brainwashing/etc.), bed sharing, psychological trauma, nausea/vomiting, depression, [genre: het], blood-loss, curse/spell, common cold, blindness/vision loss, mental illness, malnutrition, sexual assault/abuse (non-con), flu, [pairing: dean/ofc], [pairing: dean/castiel], drugs (supernatural), injury (misc./other/uncategorized), unconsciousness, delirium, dissociation/dissociative disorder, hell/post-hell issues, [genre: slash], addiction, fainting/collapse, fever, mono, cancer, daddy issues, withdrawal, .challenge 3, cough, did/mpd (multiple personalities), substance abuse (drugs), drugged, suicidal ideation, nightmares/night terrors, hospitalization, childhood trauma, missing (kidnapping/abduction/etc.), mutism/voice loss, shock, dehydration, illiteracy, [» faith], broken bone/fracture, crying!dean, permanent injury, drugs (recreational), undisclosed, ptsd, cuts/lacerations, pain, mrsa, infection, concussion/head trauma, dean's deal/making deals with demons, [pairing: dean/sam], mobility issues, psychological issues, [» in my time of dying], emotional pain/hurt, [genre: gen], schizophrenia, self-esteem issues, exhaustion, torture, burns, &fic, abandonment issues, drug reaction/interaction, self-harm, drugs (medical), *fun stuff, chronic pain

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