A Dean-focused
h/c remix challenge
http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu86/water_curses/thefootonyourthroat-1-1.jpg" title="" > The Basics:
We had a challenge last year around this time. Well, this one is a bit different. It's a remix challenge!
I love the concept of a remix challenge to bits. I'm a big fan of the fab
kamikazeremix in this fandom, and I understand SGA has put on a similar challenge in one of their h/c comms. What’s different about this one is that it is of course focused on Dean-centric h/c fic only. And it’s a challenge, not an exchange, so the rules are a bit looser than they might be otherwise.
Basically, authors that are interested in participating can leave a list of your fic/fics (provided they contain some kind of Dean-centric h/c, obvs) you’d be willing to put up for remix in the
the sign-up post, and whoever is interested in being a remixer, you can then snag them. Just make sure to let the original author know you’re remixing their fic. ;)
What’s a remix challenge, you ask?
It’s just what it sounds like, really. You rewrite someone else's story. You weave your own style into it. You can do this by changing who the POV character is, switching the narrative voice (e.g. from first to third person,) by adding missing scenes, focusing on a different point in time in the same sequence of events, covering a smaller or larger scope of events, altering the mood, length, dialogue, anything - except for genre/pairing! If a fic is gen or Sam/Dean or whatever, please don’t alter that.
The key is to stay true to the essential plot points/skeleton of the original, whatever you see those as. You can totally change, add and delete things and your remix can look very different from the original as long as you do that.
Honestly, there's pretty much no end of ways to remix things. Be creative and HAVE FUN. ♥
Sign up for all: remixees & remixers
November 7th through to November 30th. Posting period Anytime after you've chosen a prompt through to January 7th.
Challenge guidelines:
Before we get started: This isn’t an exchange, it’s a challenge, and a pretty low-key one. So, no, you don’t have to remix someone else’s fic to submit your fic to be rewritten, or vice versa. Although, of course we’d love to have you do both! ♥
1. All fics submitted to be possibly remixed, as well as the remixes should contain some form of Dean-centric hurt/comfort, i.e.; sick!Dean, angsty!Dean, hurt!Dean.
2. If you’d like to submit your fic to be remixed, all you have to do is reply to
the sign-up post any time before November 30th with a list of which of your own Dean-centric h/c fics you’d be cool with someone remixing. You can submit one, two, or a bunch. Whatever you’re comfortable with. And if you wish, you can leave a few notes with your list, like, I didn't end up focusing on Sam's POV with this fic as much as I meant to. Maybe somebody can remedy that. Or whatever!
3. The fics that you submit to be remixed should be at least 500 words, and your remixes should be at least a 1000. There’s no maximum word limit for either. Long fics are awesome!
4. If you see a fic on the list you’d like to rewrite, go for it at any time! Just make sure you let the original author know you’ll be remixing their fic.
I’m going to let you guys work most of the other details out. One author can remix several fics and the same fic can be remixed several times (although I urge you to consider the remix-less fics first.) As long as you communicate with the original author, I say go nuts! ;)
5. Please don't alter the genre/pairing of the original fic. (Uh, unless there is a reason for it that the original author gives in their comments, of course, like, the fic is gen with background Dean/Lisa, but I wouldn't mind the remix focusing more on the Dean/Lisa aspect of things.)
6. No WIPS, sorry. Stories should be complete and posted to the community all at once (with links to all chapters, if any, included.)
7. This isn't a requirement, but I just want to say, betas are awesome! If you're looking for one, our very own
beta-reader list has many beta-readers who deal specifically with Dean-focused hurt/comfort fics, or you can post a request for one at
8. The regular
posting guidelines we use at this community apply to this challenge. In addition, please put this somewhere in your header when posting your remix to the comm:
Written for the Dean-focused h/c remix challenge.Also, you should link the original fic/author in your post. See #9.
9. You can use the header below when posting your remix fic. It’s the same as our regular one with the addition of a place for the original fic that you remixed/original author:
Example of how to fill out your header form:Title: You Are a Fever (The Red Tide remix)
maypolesCharacters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: R
Word-count: 1,000 words.
Spoilers: All seasons, through 5x22, "Swan Song."
Warnings: References to self-harm.
Original story:
Some Story by
someone (Please include a link to the original fic as well.)
Summary: Uh, stuff happens. Involving Dean. Maybe you guys are better at making up summaries than I am. ;)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Of course you can add author’s notes to your header or anything else you want to as well.
To use this header, just copy, paste, and fill out the following form:HEADER FORM
Title: Author:Characters:Genre/pairing:Rating:Word-count: Spoilers:Warnings:Original story:Summary:Disclaimer: 10. If how to title a remix fix confuses you, don’t worry, it’s not a big deal! Most remixes use both a new title for the story AND a remix subtitle, e.g.; You Are a Fever (The Red Tide remix.) But you can use the same title as the original story if you don’t have a new one, and you can just use (remixed) as your subtitle if you want.
11. Please post your fic or a link to your fic to
hoodie_time before you post it to other communities.
12. Your remix fics should be posted to the comm anytime from now until January 7th, at which point I’ll be putting together a remix masterlist of all the remix fics posted. You can use the
.challenge 3 tag when posting your remix fics. (Click
here if you don't know how to tag your posts.)
13. If you finish your fic after the deadline of January 7th, it won’t be part of the masterlist, but we’d LOVE to read it whenever. You can use the
.amnesty tag when posting any late remix fics. (Click
here if you don't know how to tag your posts.)
14. If you'd like to promote this, just copy and paste the code at the top of the page into your journal!
What happens to unclaimed or unfilled prompts?
Please note that once the challenge is closed, these prompts are not available to be snagged/part of our Lonely Prompts Challenge and are the property of the author only.
If you have any questions about the remix challenge that aren't answered above, feel free to ask them in this post. ;D
Have a ball with this, guys! I'm super-excited to see what you come up with.
Note: This isn’t the sign up post. That can be found
ETA: The h/c remix challenge masterlist is now up
HERE. Check it out!
➽ This post was compiled by
maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.