[admin/mod post] tag it! - tagging guidelines/tag request post

Aug 16, 2009 20:26

© zombie-ghostorgy @ tumblr

Tag it!

Tagging - an intro
How to tag your posts
Request/suggest a new tag

Tagging - an intro:

An example of tags used on a recently posted fic:
    &fic, [character: sam], [genre: gen], [setting: season 6], delerium, fever, flu
This comm uses a possibly terrifying, sorryyyy tagging system so that we can make this place nice and searchable. Posts are tagged by what type/types of Dean-focused hurt/comfort they feature, e.g, fever, PTSD, etc. More examples can be found at our complete tags-list. This is super useful if you're looking to read, for example, all the hypothermic!Dean fic you can get your hands on - just click the 'hypothermia/extreme cold' tag and voila - as well as being a kind of warning system if there are certain kinds of h/c you'd prefer to avoid. Please note that these illness and injury tags are for Dean only, as people use the tags here to search for specific types of Dean h/c.

Along with types of Dean-centric h/c, posts are tagged by:

  • type of media, e.g., &fic, &art, &meta/discussion, &vids, etc.
  • characters, e.g., [character: Sam], [character: Castiel], etc. Dean has no tag. ;D
  • genre/pairing, e.g., [genre: gen], [genre: het], [pairing: Dean/Sam], etc.
  • setting, (if possible) e.g., [setting: season 7], [setting: pre-series], etc.

    See the aforementioned complete tags-list for a more comprehensive list of available tags. Relatedly, if you hit "edit tags" after posting, you'll be able to see the full tags-list and pick and choose from it to your heart's content!

    If you have any questions about tagging that aren't answered here or below, or if you just need help with it, feel free to contact a mod.

    How to tag your posts:

    Step 1:

    See tagging - an intro, above. Then take a peek at our available tags to see if the ones you need already exist.

  • If you can’t find what you’re looking for as far as h/c-oriented tags go:
  • a) Think of a generic term for it and check to see if it’s listed as that instead. For example, instead of searching for 'sleep apnea', search for 'sleep disorder.' Or instead of searching for 'Dean/Uriel', a rare pairing, search for 'Dean/supernatural character.'
    b) There are nonspecific tags for 'illness (misc./other/uncategorized)' and 'injury (misc./other/uncategorized)' if your fic/fanwork isn't easily categorized.
    c) There are tags for ‘supernatural illness’ and 'supernatural injury/trauma.' Does your fic/fanwork fit there?

  • If you can’t find what you’re looking for as far as other tags go, such as character, genre, pairing, or episode tags:
  • Think of a generic form of it and check to see if it’s listed as that instead. For example, instead of searching for 'Dean/tentacle monster', search for 'Dean/supernatural character.' We won't be making tags for characters or pairings that are extremely rare, but we'll try to be as inclusive as possible. As far as episode tags go, likewise, we're not adding one for every episode, but if there's a h/c-producing ep you'd like to see added to the tags-list, let us know and we'll totally add it.

  • If you still can’t find what you’re looking for in the tags:
  • Let the mods know in this post, and we will either point you in the direction of a suitable tag, or create a new one for you.

  • What if I’m posting a WIP or a mystery-type fic and don’t want to give away the surprise as to what’s going on with Dean?
  • Tags you may want to use are ‘undisclosed' or 'undiagnosed/mysterious illness'

  • What if I need to use more than one tag?
  • Just put a comma between tags.

    Or, if you're going back and editing your tags after you've already posted, you can hit "edit tags" and select as many tags as you want from a drop-down list.

    Note: It's not necessary to provide a tag for absolutely every symptom/thing that happens to Dean in your fic, just what you feel are the primary ones.

    Step 2:

    Click the "post to: hoodie_time" button and you're done! Easy peasy.

    Request/suggest a new tag:

    Q: Can we create new tags ourselves?
    A: No. ;( This is because it's possible, due to spelling errors or discrepancies, that we could end up with many similar tags that are only used once or twice.

    Q: Will you add a new tag for me?
    A: As it says above, if you can’t find a suitable tag for your fic/fanwork, let the mods know in this post, and we will either point you in the direction of a suitable tag, or create a new one for you. ;)

    ➽ This post was compiled by maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.

    !how to tag, ?suggestions/polls, !!mod post

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