monthly member/guest rec submissions: misc. recs (fic; gen, slash, & het)

Mar 31, 2011 15:09

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Title: After the Flood (The Beaten and the Damned Remix)
Author: dipenates
Tags: crying!Dean, kidnapping, pain (emotional), psychological trauma, PTSD, restraints/ropes/handcuffs
Characters: Dean and Sam, Dean and John
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: R
Word-count: 6000 (total)
Warnings: Bad language. Show-type levels of violence, gore and murder. Violence against children, not perpetrated against, or by, any Winchesters.
Spoilers: Set both pre-series & during the series.
Summary: Written for hoodie_time’s Remix challenge. Some kinds of ugliness take a long time to fade.
Reccer’s comments: maypoles says: The wonderful original (by i_speak_tongue, here) was recced here recently, and thought I’d say a few words about the also wonderful remix. It fleshes out the original so well, and is an A+ fic in its own right. The interactions between the characters read as being absolutely genuine.

Title: Wonderful, and the sequel, Shine
Author: honeylocusttree
Tags: PTSD
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben
Genre/pairing: Gen with hints of Dean/Lisa
Rating: PG
Word-count: 1000+ & 1880+, respectively
Spoilers: 5.22, slight 6.1
Summary: Dean's doing great, thanks for asking. (Post-5.22, Dean and Dean's PTSD.)
Reccer’s comments: maypoles says: I love honeylocusttree's writing. She tends to write fic that is psychologically tense/that delves deeply into the psychology of the characters, which is my favourite kind of fic. And her writing itself is restrained, yet visceral at the same time. These particular fics are set post-Swan Song, and are really realistic, I think.

Title: And Deposit Your Trash in the Receptacles Provided
Author: innocentculprit
Tags: burns, fever, hell/post-hell issues, PTSD, substance abuse (alcohol)
Characters: Dean, Sam, Ruby
Genre/pairing: Gen with a tad of Dean/OFC, h/c
Rating: PG-13 for much bad language
Spoilers: begins immediately post 4x14 Sex and Violence
Summary: Between the Winchesters and the Apocalypse lies engine trouble and a bad breakdown in communication. Oh, and ghosts. Nasty ones.
Reccer's comments:

vie_dangerouse says: I don't usually go for Dean/OFC, but this story definitely turned me around on the subject. It's just such a perfect slice-of-life of S4 Sam and Dean, complete with all the Ruby and drinking issues. It's up-in-your-face, unabashed, but beautiful nonetheless. The OCs are just as hardy and kick-ass as Sam and Dean, and at the end you're sad to see them leave. I'm also really fond of the Sam in this story- he's still drinking demon blood, he's still hooking up with Ruby, but there's a deep undercurrent of all-encompassing concern for his brother that wasn't ever really present in canon.

maypoles says: This fic has been recced here before, and with good reason. It’s one of the quintessential post-hell!Dean fics for me. Really good stuff.

P.S. You should read the amazing prequel, Please Exit Hell Quietly Through the Rear Doors, first.

Title: Carry Me Over the Sky
Author: killabeez
Tags: daddy issues, grief, hugs/cuddling
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: 10204
Spoilers: Follows 2x08, "Crossroad Blues."
Summary: Dean's running on fumes, and Sam's the match.
Reccer’s comments: maypoles says: I’ve been on a season two kick lately, and this fic just satisfies my yearning for that time period in every way. It’s BEAUTIFUL. The writing is beautiful, the portrayal of Dean and Sam’s relationship is beautiful... and oh yeah, it’s also super-hot. ♥

Title: The Words Not Spoken
Author: morganoconner @ shadow_legacy
Tags: grief, mutism/voice loss
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Ben, Castiel
Genre/pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG
Word-count: 2,028
Spoilers: slightly AU from Swan Song
Warnings: mute!Dean
Summary: The last words Dean ever spoke were to his brother.
Reccer’s comments: maypoles says: This is the best Dean/Castiel fic I’ve read in awhile. Intimate and painful and lovely.

Title: Cold Comfort
Author: ratherastory
Tags: bed-sharing, cold, hugs/cuddling, sneezing
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen?
Rating: G
Word-count: 1,564
Spoilers: Season six
Warnings: Schmoop.
Summary: Dean's sick. Somehow, it manages not to be so bad.
Reccer’s comments: maypoles says: Adorable fic is adorable! I have a huge weakness for Dean-with-a-minor-illness, getting all loved up, and this fic makes me happyyyy.

Title: Ultima Verba
Author: salamander78
Tags: crying!Dean, injury, kidnapping, psychological issues (abandonment & self-esteem issues)
Characters: Dean, Sam, Bobby, Cas, etc.
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean, Angst, Drama, First Time, Horror, Hurt & Comfort
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: 40,000+
Spoilers: Season 4/Season 5
Summary: Sam and Dean are fleeing for their lives, and one of them is injured. As an old evil hunts for them, Sam has to deal with defeating the enemy and saving his brother's life. In the process, Dean reveals a secret that has life changing repecussions for the brothers and the events that lead to Lucifer's Rising. Multi-chapter story set at the end of Season 4, offering alternate, slashier ending.
Reccer’s comments: annie200 says: The characterization and dialogue are amazing. Great plot too. Dean is seriously injured, and thinking that these are his last words, he tells Sam how he feels about him. First in a series of outstanding, interlinked stories.

Title: a hero lies in you
Author: velvetine01 @ vel_etc
Tags: injury
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: 2000
Summary: Sam uses his cock to heal Dean.
Reccer’s comments: maypoles says: A hilarious, fun take on the magical healing cock trope. This is the best kind of crack-fic.

➽ This post was compiled by maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.

[setting: season 04], [pairing: dean/lisa], hugs/cuddling, missing (kidnapping/abduction/etc.), restraints/ropes/handcuffs, !monthly rec submissions (mod-compiled), mutism/voice loss, [setting: season 06], bed sharing, psychological trauma, crying!dean, [setting: season 02], [genre: het], ptsd, grief, common cold, !recs, [pairing: dean/ofc], [pairing: dean/castiel], substance abuse (alcohol), [pairing: dean/sam], psychological issues, [genre: gen], emotional pain/hurt, injury (misc./other/uncategorized), sneezing, self-esteem issues, hell/post-hell issues, [setting: season 05], [genre: slash], [» swan song], burns, fever, daddy issues, &fic, abandonment issues, [setting: pre-series]

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