(no subject)

Aug 24, 2003 21:51

user you got this from: i dont even know, i saved this a few months ago.
user you know the best: burpinyourface, dryingforu, i_be_pimpin, made_of_this, satireandyou,
user you trust the most: satireandyou, made_of_this, burpinyourface
users you know personally: 6inchstofreedom, afterthemovie, anoceanoflust, apartmentseven, audiopollution, bdyprcngssvdme, blackeric, brandnewgetaway, confused_child, corpratesponser, drawtheshades, dryingforu, extflowex, getuplyz, goodtwelve, heremptyneedle, homelessica, hrtbrakefallout, i_be_pimpin, iamjanedoe, iamuseless, inthebunker, invasionusa, justabovejesus, karpuze, kiss_the_cynic, loveyourlips, lydian84 made_of_this, my0nlysunshine, officer_farva pull_my_strings, hopoffthewagon, neverbetter, ohhmy, orligasmic, satireandyou, shankster, shedingdreams, sin_in_grey, thefoolserrand, undeadfisk, valentinaltrash, waiting4myturn, white__noise, worldfullofhate, xdecomposedx
users you are only acquainted with: diexxx, greenpixee, lavamonster, whenwearecats
users you have never met: _parasitequeen, crazyrach, different4once, hawhynpynapple, joannah, mysmileisweak, nicejobstanley, spriteremix, xelectricchild, xxxashesfallxxx
users you would like to meet: everybody that i havent, but mainly _parasitequeen and joannah
first person you added: uhhh... wow... i think it was goodtwelve or... veindry... way back in the day
last person you added: pull_my_strings
users that are clostest to you: made_of_this, burpinyourface, satireandyou, ohhmy dryingforu
users you hang out with most often: 6inchstofreedom, burpinyourfacedrawtheshades, dryingforu, homelessica, made_of_this, ohhmy
users that attend your school: bdyprcngssvdme, burpinyourface, dryingforu, heremptyneedle, ohhmy satireandyou, valentinaltrash, waiting4myturn
user you talk to online most often: probably ohhmy
user you get along with the best: orligasmic, karpuze, justabovejesus, burpinyourface, made_of_this, dryingforu, getuplyz moremoremore
user you get along with the least: nobody
user with the best posts: i like a lot of them.
user with the best pictures: a lot.
user that never updates: thefoolserrand
user that updates the most: orligasmic, karpuze,
user that seems to be on all of your friends' friends pages: getuplyz, diexxx, anoceanoflust, burpinyourface, drawtheshades blahblahblah
users that are friends only: mysmileisweak, white__noise nicejobstanley, satireandyou, neverbetter uhh there are more i know...
user that has the best insight on life: corpratesponser, justabovejesus, hmm...
most intelligent: justabovejesus, 6inchstofreedom
least intelligent: no comment
kindest: alsdj;ad i cant chooooose
posts you dont read: i read most of them...
people youve seen within the last week: 6inchstofreedom, bdyprcngssvdme, confused_child, diexxx, drawtheshades, dryingforu extflowex, getuplyz, goodtwelve, greenpixee, heremptyneedle, homelessica, iamjanedoe, iamuseless, inthebunker, invasionusa, kiss_the_cynic, lava_monster, loveyourlips, made_of_this, officer_farva, ohhmy, orligasmic, satireandyou, shedingdreams, valentinaltrash, waiting4myturn, white__noise
people you miss: everyone i havent seen within a week.
this took me for fucking ever.

i just heard thunder and i'm really excited about it for some reason.
ooh. two updates in a row.
jessica sent me this, but i dont remember saying it:
gravity rrrides (9:39:33 PM): maneatingturtles (12:03:57 PM): i had a dream about burying a dead man in my backyard and i had to put a fish in the pond so i put both the dead man and the fish in the pond i made and i filled it up with chocolate milk
maneatingturtles (12:04:12 PM): then my parents got mad because i put milk in there so i had to take the milk out and replace it with water.
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