Title: Disappearances Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen Rating: K+ Genre: general Spoilers: S1 and S2 Summary: Jack grew worried. It wasn’t like he expected the Welshman to be up here all the time when he wasn’t needed in the Hub but the sight of that pink tie just lying on the desk gave him a strange sense of foreboding. Warnings: but of angstyness, bit of cute fluffiness Disclaimer: Torchwood and the characters involved are property of the BBC Word Count: 518
Pink Was Her Color McRaider Summary: No one understands-but Jack does. Author’s Note: This is an assumption, but I believe the colors are the same across the world and not just in America-though I could be wrong. If I am, I’m sorry. Also this is sometime during second season.
Comments 27
Title: Disappearances
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen
Rating: K+
Genre: general
Spoilers: S1 and S2
Summary: Jack grew worried. It wasn’t like he expected the Welshman to be up here all the time when he wasn’t needed in the Hub but the sight of that pink tie just lying on the desk gave him a strange sense of foreboding.
Warnings: but of angstyness, bit of cute fluffiness
Disclaimer: Torchwood and the characters involved are property of the BBC
Word Count: 518
author: xaephyr
rating: pg-13
characters/pairings: owen, jack/ianto
disclaimer: not mine.
spoilers: none.
summary: ianto's embarrassed. involves a pink tie.
Auhtor: HoldingOff
Rating: PG-ish
Warning: Goofy fluff
Disclaimer: Not my toys, I'll put them back clean.
click here
Summary: No one understands-but Jack does.
Author’s Note: This is an assumption, but I believe the colors are the same across the world and not just in America-though I could be wrong. If I am, I’m sorry. Also this is sometime during second season.
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