Green: is a medical procedure.
Orange is medicine.
Blue are diseases and conditions.
Purple is equipment.
Black is "other".
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▪ Deep Vein Thrombosis: The occlusion of a vein by a blood clot. They can happen in any of the body's veins, but tend to be in veins close to the surface, including the veins of the anus. They can be caused by any condition that causes clotting. A deep vein thrombosis is a thrombosis that occurs in a vein well below the surface of the skin.
▪ Delusion: A fixed false belief and is used in everyday language to describe a belief that is either false, fanciful or derived from deception. In psychiatry, the definition is necessarily more precise and implies that the belief is pathological (the result of an illness or illness process). As a pathology it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information or certain effects of perception which would more properly be termed an apperception or illusion.
▪ Depression: A serious mental illness and is one of the most common. Although depression is normal after a traumatic event (death of a spouse, loss of job), in some patients depression persists even though there did not appear to be any external cause. Clinically depressed patients lacked a chemical receptor, serotonin. It was produced by the body, but was quickly depleted. This appears to have interfered with the normal working of neurons, which require a regular supply.
▪ Diabetes: A disease which results from the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin, which regulates the uptake of sugar to the body's cells. As a result, sugar builds up in the blood until the patient goes into a coma. Although there are other diseases called diabetes, this form of the disease is what is usually meant when no other word is used to modify it.
▪ Digitalis: A powerful, toxic medication used in the treatment of certain heart disorders, generally those that involve fluttering or other random activity in the heart muscles. It takes its name from the plant Digitalis lanata, commonly known as foxglove. Digoxin works by temporarily strengthening the contractions of the muscles of the heart. In most cases, this slows the heart rate and brings the fibrillating muscles back into normal heart rhythm.
▪ DNR (Do Not Resuscitate): Written record of the decision of the patient or their medical proxy not to use extraordinary measures if the patient goes into cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest. It is common in late stage terminal illnesses, particularly where the patient is in great pain or is close to death.
▪ Double vision (Diplopia): The inability of a patient to merge the views from both eyes into a single image. It differs from those congenital conditions where a patient can merge the images, but cannot form stereo images in the brain, such as lazy eye.
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