I was trying to find out how to do a blend, like for example, blending three separate pictures together to make a banner. I looked through a lot of the tutorials, but I couldn't find one. Here is a link to what I am trying to do (this tutorial was for PSP):
No problem. I appreciate the effort. I like your tutorials, but if there's a sufficient website, you don't have to go through the trouble of making a new tutorial. But if you do, I will be grateful. Thanks either way.
hey, i was looking for communities with graphic design as an interest and i decided to see what this one was all about. i'm a graphic design student at the art institute, los angeles. i think this community is a really good idea. another simple way to do this technique you're explaining here would be to type out your text and then place the image you want on the next layer and then clip that layer to the the text layer (ctrl or command + G) and then you'll again be able to move around the image within the text.
Hi, i love your tutorials- very simple and easy to unerstand. one thing though, the last bit (number 6) i can't find the Mask Link icon so i can move the text layer..... what does it look like?!!!!
Comments 10
If you could help, I'd be very appreciative.
i looked through some memories but i have no time to go through all of them because my comp is sometimes really slow.
please help. i want to learn how to do cool icons.
p.s. i can wait cus i understand it could take a while
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haha... what loserdom... 19years old and spending new years eve playing with photoshop.
my dear, i hope something changes.
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