Tomorrow at noon is when I find out if I'm still going to UNO. So, I've caught up to two weeks in advance for my homework and have traipsed around the area surrounding my apartment quite a bit. I found the best pizza place in New Orleans (Theo's) and have wandered around St. Louis Cemetery No. 3 and City Park.
Here are some pictures from my excursions. )
Comments 2
People really get out of it what they want. I've had friends who have visited and never left the French Quarter who hate it. Also, people who are racist usually don't like it because it's too "ethnic." I've had more than one people ask if New Orleans is still full of black people.
I've never been out of the US, so I don't really have anything to compare it to, but I think New Orleans is the closest you can get to being in Europe without leaving the US.
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