Tuesday Photos

Nov 22, 2011 08:18

Last Call for Extra Credit Blocks!

If you have not sent out your Extra Credit block, you have until December 1 to get that to me. Please remember, not only will your block be part of the Project of Doom Signature Quilt, but for each block I receive, I will donate $1 to The Red Cross.

The Project Linus Piecers are creating a Project of Doom quilt as a fundraiser! These are their first two blocks.

pieced by Mormormaxi

November, the Penultimate Prize

The November prize was donated by cosmictwirling (fat quarter), aalia7 (fat quarter), mkissa (2 fat quarters), ladyoflosttimes (snitch pendant), hpfan_poa (tile pendant), lunaneela (pin cushion) and Sewhooked (PoD button).

Prize winners are chosen from hp_paperpiecing members that share photos each week. Post yours in our flickr group for a chance to win! Please note: The monthly prize drawing ends with the December 2011 drawing. See this post for more details.

The Project of Doom LIVES
As it gets more and more quiet here on LJ, I'm finding that I'm still receiving lots of emails and comments about the PoD. With that in mind, I've created a Facebook Group for The Project of Doom. It's open to anyone that wants to join. I hope it will keep the creativity and inspiration going!

New This Week on Fandom In Stitches

by liljabs

Scooby's Tag
by ofenjen

Tree Trimming, from the Sewhooked Shop

tuesday photos

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