Hi, group.
I've been a lurker here for a little while, but haven't really posted, so I don't think a lot of you know me. I'm Jo, and my friend and fellow scholar
d_aulnoy and I are putting together a book of essays about class, race, and gender/sexuality in the Harry Potter series. We like the series and we think it's about bloody time someone assembled a collection of such essays, a primer, if you will, about these themes in JK Rowling's work. And we want to read your abstracts! The mods of
hp_essays were kind enough to allow me to post this note.
In posting this call for essays, I want to make it very clear that as of now we DO NOT have a publisher. But we are looking for abstracts now because this project can only be described as ginormous. So, we need to at least put out the word now and get abstracts to save us trouble, to make the book more tasty for potential publishers, and to actually, like, get it done as close to Book 7's release as possible.
Basically we're only looking for papers that deal with the books. While we may include one or two papers on fan fiction and fandom, these will definitely be in the minority. We both figured there were a lot of scholarly works out there on fan culture already, and both of us really don't have the sociology back ground to edit such a collection. But if you have a paper on, say, gender performance in Harry Potter rpgs or the conception of gender in Harry/Draco fan fiction or what have you that you're just dying to share, let us know. Maybe it will fit.
Send abstracts and papers to the appropriately named callforabstracts@gmail.com. We're open now and we'll let you know well in advance when we decide to close our call. We should be open at least until Winter.
As far as abstracts go, we're pretty open on format, though we'd like it to be fairly detailed (400-500 words). If you're working on an essay already, have sources, and would like to mention them, that's great too. If you've got an essay prepared, fantastic! Send it!
Most importantly, if this isn't your bag but you know a friend/relative/colleague/ambitious English/Childrens Lit/Gender Studies major/what have you who would be all over this, tell them. If they have any questions, I'd be more than happy to field them over at upstart.crow @ gmail dot com.
Thanks and happy writing! And thanks again to the kind mods for giving me permission to post this.
- Jo