Artist Sign-Ups

Oct 07, 2013 10:41

Welcome to the sign up post for artists for the Harry Potter Reverse Big Bang.

Please be sure that you've read all the rules and questions that pertain to artists and make sure that you can stick with the schedule.

If you're going to create two pieces of art, try to let us know in the form but it's okay if you get inspired and you don't know while signing up.

Sign-ups will remain open until art is due which is on December 4, 2013.

Please fill out the following form if you'd like to sign up as an artist. If you choose to be paired with a cheerleader and/or a beta then you will receive your cheerleader within a few days of signing up (hopefully!) and your beta around the time claims are due.

Art Ideas: [Here is where you can tell us what you're planning on drawing, pairings, characters, gen, etc. Not required.]
Have you read the rules and schedule? [Yes/No question with only one right answer]
Would you like to be paired with a cheerleader?
Would you like to be paired with a beta?
Anything else?

!artist sign-ups, !!round one

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