Hi, everybody!
I still haven't got around to figuring out how all the bookmarking/linking/tagging stuff works on Diigo, so please do continue to use our
Master List of Themes on LiveJournal for your basic explorations. I'll be getting the Diigo link up on the
hpthemes LJ links list tonight, and hopefully do some serious bookmarking tomorrow night.
Speaking of the Master List, THANKS SO MUCH to everyone who has added to our themes lists over the past week or so! It's been so exciting to see some of our older lists get updated! Keep 'em coming-we never get tired of seeing New Recs on Old Themes!
As for our theme for this week, it's....
Yep! PWP's, otherwise known as porn-without-plot, or Plot? What Plot? This is our genre of unabashed, unapologetic sexual expression! All kinks, all pairings (or moresomes!) welcome! We're not picky here. The only limitation is that the fanworks recced must be all-porn-all-the-time.
Here, have a template for reccing:
Title:Creator:Working Link:Pairing (or threesome/moresome): Status (fic/art/wip/complete):Creator's Summary (if any): Contributor's Comments: And for your pimping pleasure, a banner:
http://pics.livejournal.com/hpthemes_mods/pic/00007tt1"> Please give us LOTS OF PORN this week, guys!
And as always, Happy Reccing!