I think we should review what we are currently doing - the most bang for the buck, as it were.
My chief concern with the pirate flavor is that it doesn't really say who we are as a group. It gets people in and so, for that reason, I'm disinclined to get really down on the merchants about it.
Personally, I'd rather see more hands-on demos from both merchants and A&S folks. One of Andras' comments really resonnated in that the modern public stood in line for an hour or more just to shoot six arrows. There's an untapped resource there...
I agree that archery is a huge draw. That is why it is so important to have a modern range. Then we need to follow that up at Archery practice with lots of Chatalaine information. We get a huge influx of people from archery because it is exactly that...hands on. To me the trick then is to show the newcomers there is more to the SCA in addition to Archery. That is something we need to work on.
I think any hands-on thing would have a simliar draw. Anything that would allow folks to get a taste.
Unfortunately, we can't do hands-on horses and we always have a tough time making the martial activities hands-on. I think A&S is headed in the right direction but it's kind of easy in that respect.
I've been chatting with Brian of Cardiff and Thorfin about that very thing - working with the archers to 'close the loop' as it were. Since I can't shoot, it would potentially look all stalkerish for me to be there so I'm trying to exploit the "we're all chatelaines" angle.
The archery practice flyers that Thorfin brought and we handed out at the Chatelaines booth practically flew off the table.
Comments 7
My chief concern with the pirate flavor is that it doesn't really say who we are as a group. It gets people in and so, for that reason, I'm disinclined to get really down on the merchants about it.
Personally, I'd rather see more hands-on demos from both merchants and A&S folks. One of Andras' comments really resonnated in that the modern public stood in line for an hour or more just to shoot six arrows. There's an untapped resource there...
Unfortunately, we can't do hands-on horses and we always have a tough time making the martial activities hands-on. I think A&S is headed in the right direction but it's kind of easy in that respect.
It is to ponder.
The archery practice flyers that Thorfin brought and we handed out at the Chatelaines booth practically flew off the table.
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