Oh you'd better believe i saw the serenity movie and it was great, ther is another advanced screening in July though, If you're interested in comming, simply leave me a message or call :) Tickets are only $11 or so, so it's no big financial sting, so NO excuses.
Luke, I swear to god i'm gonna stab you in the face....now buy me a goddamned beer bitch!
To all that may read this...if you know something, keep it to yourself, not all information is for the world to know. Especialy when it involves personal lives....extreamly personal.
Well, those of you who read my previous entry, I just wanted to fill you in cause I know you're in suspense ;) I've been victorious. It ended up going smoother then I coulda possibly imagined. I am now no longer available. About time if you ask me ;)