If any of you have an account for editing Wikipedia, you may be interested in an attempt to delete all content from the "Humanism" article and forward the link instead to the "Humanism (disambiguation)" page.
Right now there is currently a fair amount of description of humanism, most specifically the philosophy that is shared by secular humanists
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“The New Atheist Movement is destructive”
In any case, my opinions are not so much about these books as the general tone and direction the new atheism they represent has adopted. This is not a function of what exactly these books say, but of how they are perceived, and the kind of comments the four horsemen make in newspaper articles and
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NPR has a story contrasting the celebration of Charles Darwin in the UK and the controversy in the US. The short version is that he's a national hero in his homeland, but thirty-four of the United States “have passed anti-evolution laws of one kind or another.” :-(