I just got back from my yearly family thing. It was...interesting. dad usually goes, then takes me home while mom and mitch stay over night. This time dad didn't go so i had to stay. After everyone left I was exhausted so I had two cups of coffee. Then Tim yelled at me for having coffee. Then we watched Freddie vs. Jason and I made Tim explain it
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Hey everyone! This isn't really a "journal" entry...more of a "hell, this is what I'm up to, not dead" kinda thing...ya so, I'm at aragain...its fun. I'm waitressing now, haha, its ok
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My neighbor is suppose to be dropping off her pup tomorrow night so they can go to the park. She's only five weeks old so she needs an eye on her constantly. yaay, she's so good too...and a brookes dog but thats ok
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Right now I am generally happy. I met this great guy and nothing is going to happen between us but I'm happy...no it's not the motrin. I love talking to him and since I've accepted that nothing is going to happen between us (I'm just getting that notion) I'm not sad anymore about moving away in the summer. It's ok now! I'm ok
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So today I'm shaking because I'm getting myself all worked up about Aragain cuz beth didn't call and the dog walk because i don't have a dog and everyone says connie is mean and the whole alcohol thing for prom because i hate pawning off other people and i refuse to do it ever again but i want to drink at prom. well, omg! everythings so great! I
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Nothing new really. Beth hasn't called me yet. I'm getting very anxious about it. I can tell you right now my life will be OVER if I don't get this. I cannot honestly think of anything more important right now. I need to get this job...for me. She said in August that she wanted me to come back and work for her next year because she loved having me
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So I woke up at 6:00 on a SATURDAY to help my cousins move. Well I expected Julie and Jeff but I didn't expect Tyler at all for some reson, possibly because he lives far away and I never ever get to see him or spend any tme with him. Well I got there I'm like "yay! Tylers here" so jef and I hung around most of the morning cuz we had to drive from
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Ya, that assembly today. Pretty sure I got home and bawled for a good half hour. I have my reasons. All I could think about the entire time is one of my friends telling me in the summer not to worry about him driving drunk because he does it all the time. Now look, I can't do jack shit about it and it scares me. It's alot to take in. I'm sorry if
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