Title: Watch what you do with your balls kids Fandom: RENT Characters: Angel/Collins Prompt: 28-Children Word Count: 127 Rating: PG Author's Notes: Thanks to all that helped me, which are too many to list individually. Warnings: None really ( Read more )
Title: Milk chocolate skin Fandom: RENT Characters: Angel/Collins Prompt: 17- Brown Word Count: 108 Rating: PG Author's Notes: Thanks to all that helped me, which are too many to list individually. Warnings: None really ( Read more )
Title: Only takes a few Fandom: RENT Characters: Angel/Collins Prompt: 6-Hours Word Count: 106 Rating: PG Author's Notes: Thanks to all that helped me, which are too many to list individually. Warnings: None really ( Read more )
I stole this off of T, the first person in a long time to make me tear up.
Comment with your username and I will tell you why I'm thankful to have you on my flist. Or just thankful for you in general. And then post in your own journal if you would like to share the thankfulness!