So, I'm super angry right now, for no apparent reason.
Other than sitting in a car with Mel (yes THAT Mel) for about... 2 hours.
She was in such a bad mood, and I was doing fine dealing with it until I got home, then it HIT. Ohmygawds. DDDD:<
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Comments 4
You seem to do so much o__O; I complain that I have too much college work today, but with games and practice and church for you too you seem to do so much XD;
xD; and when your at home, you spend no time with your family because you spend it all with meeee~~* *shot*
>____>; march!Hannah
XDDDDDDDDDD;;; yaimabitbusy... i like it that way. it helps me not... dwell on myself (i think @.o)
ya thats true too lololol XD;;;
Ok, stopping at Subway?! Come on! Do these girls not realize that they have a priority to accomplish first? Or do they just not give a crap because really, that's just lame. And that Mel girl. She should be thankful you taught her the dance! Like, come one (again). If she doesn't like it, then she shouldn't have missed practice so then she could have complained at the actual practice instead and not to you because nothing could have been done at your place. GAH!
But how's Irene? Have you gossiped with her about DBSK or learn of any new guys from her lately?
IKNOWIKNOWIKNOWWWWWW. *shot* ohsrsly. Omg, I just remembered DDDD: I think I have to go to her house to teach her more ~.~ (thankyouforremindingmelololol)
Irene's cool~ she can be really considerate sometimes XD;;; whichisoddforanAsian,Iknowthat'sstereotyping,butit'ssotrue...
She wants to leave band... if she does, then I want to DDDD: whcih isn't fair to the band teacher, but stillll DDD: I'd have no buddies and I wanted to join PE anyway DDD:
No, I try not to talk about them too much XD~ she doesn't seem to be too itnerested in them lol XD; she's like who~? OH YES THEM~ XD;;;
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