[This morning, instead of going for his usual run, Don settles himself at his desk in the back room. The door is open and a pencil is poked thoughtfully between his teeth. When he begins to write, it isn't filtered, but courtesy of a translation-shield, anyone trying to read the entry will see something that looks more like a Danish cryptogram than
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Are you alright?
[She hadn't thought it'd be that bad, and she instantly feels terrible. She hurries over towards him.]
P-please don't do that...
Should we go inside? [There'd be blankets... hot tea...]
[He holds out his hand. Ami is small, but maybe she can help a little?]
Ami gives Don her hand, and helps to support his weight as they head inside.]
I'm sorry. [She feels like she can't apologize enough. She hadn't meant to harm him.]
I just thought... I just thought it would be a small advantage.
Keep it in mind if you're ever in a real fight against a reptile.
[She will. This certainly drove it home. It's more relevant than one might expect, somewhere like Luceti and even back home if the enemy were to somehow arise again. Youma had taken on many different types of forms.]
And to apologize, please let me help you until you're feeling a little better.
Come in. And you know you still owe me a fair match, right?
Don, are you alright? What happened...?
[Is he going to have to get out the tepid water? Because that's the first thing he should probably do...]
Truthfully, she feels ashamed. She shouldn't have let it happen like that. She should have... something!]
Robert, some tea? Please?
[He'll explain once he has a warm drink in his hands.]
... May as well get him the tea first, though.
A few minutes later, he returns, with the warm tea in a nice mug for Don.]
[She might be saying to Don, it's so quiet and Robert is already leaving the room. It's the best she can do.]
Do you want anything? [This, is definitely directed to Don.] I'll bring it right away.
[Obviously the most important thing here is to investigate the nature of what hurt him.]
[When Robert returns, he murmurs "Thank you" and takes the mug carefully, holding it between his hands and inhaling the warm vapor.]
It's alarming that they were fighting, though clearly it must not have been for anything more than practise, as they're obviously not angry with each other. Still...]
You are welcome, but... are you e-entirely certain you are alright...? I could get you to a more suitable environment...
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