[This morning, instead of going for his usual run, Don settles himself at his desk in the back room. The door is open and a pencil is poked thoughtfully between his teeth. When he begins to write, it isn't filtered, but courtesy of a translation-shield, anyone trying to read the entry will see something that looks more like a Danish cryptogram than
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[She's babbling, because so far from arguing or angry, she feels terrible that this happened.]
[He gestures to the other chairs, suggesting Ami might make herself comfortable as well. He also raises a brow at her, silently asking whether it's all right to discuss her abilities in front of Robert, even as he feels bad for communicating with her in a way he now knows his partner won't even be aware of.]
Thank you for inviting me in. [The formalized words are entirely the shy girl, too. It was only during the battle that she'd seemed to take on more life, to gain confidence in a skin other than her own.]
It's alright to talk right now. It's still a secret, but some of my friends know it here. [And... some people who unfortunately found out when she made mischief across Luceti in her first stay here as Dark Mercury still.]
It was very impressive.
[He sips the tea slowly, gauging its effect on his body.]
[She seems fine, but he may as well ask, for safety's sake. Even though he keeps eyeing Don worriedly.]
... If, if either of you need anything, I would be happy to oblige.
I'm alright. [She answers to Mercury naturally right now.] Thank you. Some water, maybe.
[He blinks curiously at this exchange. He should probably ask a real question, but it isn't important enough right now. Instead he'll focus on safely equalizing back to ambient temperature.]
... So, am I correct in the assumption that you two were, er... practising some sort of fighting? [His words aren't exactly accusatory, but they are a little awkward.]
We were training together. [It's a yes. And she's so relieved that Don has said he wants to do it again sometime; it makes the guilt a little less.]
His expression flickers to one of surprise.]
That is... very significant.
[Of course, if it was based on temperature manipulation... well, it only makes sense.]
And you used your powers to do so, then...?
The cold was more than I expected.
[Now that he's settling back to a comfortable core temperature, he's being overcome by the urge to sleep. It's hard to formulate a coherent sentence.]
I am... certain Sailor Mercury would not have... deliberately harmed you. [Still...] However, Don... you certainly seem adversely affected...
[He's not sure if he should be trying to help the turtle into bed or something.]
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