Last night Ashley took me out for my bday since she couldn't make it on tuesday. Stephni came out too. I got so disgustingly hammered that I don't even want to think about it. I have an awful hangover. Kinda want to die right now.
Today I am 21. Happy birthday to me. I went out at midnight to dooleys. Some of my closest friends completely blew me off. I really really need new friends. I should probably just move away and start over. So far this has been a pretty miserable day. Total opposite of what I expected, besides the hangover. I want to crawl into a hole.
Well its been a minute. I updated my deadjournal today too. I don't know what force is driving me to do this. It may be the ridiculous pictures Stephni posted up on spaceface. So much has changed since my last post. I won't get into it. Lets keep the happy entries going. Time for hummus and juice!
Kalamazoo is kalamakrazy. I just paid off some car insurance and now I'm broke. I'm missing central/western weekend because of it. Whatevaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
SO a late continued birthday story. Zach took me shoe shopping and bought me a sexy pair of boots. Joy took me to Olive Garden and presented me with a bounty of tobacco. Ashley bought me a cute shirt with happy vegetables on it.
I am a big mess. My life is falling apart. I thought I knew what I wanted when I wanted it and was in control. I'm starting to realize I'm not and maybe I never was. Do I do anything for me? Is this all what I predicted or hoped for? Do I ever hope for anything? Currently I have no goals for the future. I want nothing. I don't want to be here or