I ran across this series of pictures while investigating the genocide in Darfur. They are of a little boy who couldn't be more than three years old smoking a cigarette while begging in the street. Also notice how these pictures are posted on a website devoted to jokes.
Feb 21, 2006 18:45
Why does absolutely everything in my fucking life have to go horrifically wrong?
Feb 21, 2006 05:55
People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people.
Feb 03, 2006 12:28
We [should] be willing to abridge ourselves of superfluities for the supply of other's necessities.
Jan 18, 2006 22:25
Nature intended women to be our slaves...They are our property...Women are nothing but machines for producing children.
Jan 06, 2006 19:53
[...] The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die. [...] A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is.