Blah. The medicine the doctor gave me made me high and helped the headache but now I have a gnarly medicine hangover and all I want to do is sleep. I kept having bizarre dreams and waking up every 20 minutes convinced I'd be late for work last night and this morning
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Karina was gracious enough to take me to the hospital tonight since I have had a 7 day migraine and laryngitis as well. The doctor said I have a viral infection that may have flared up my migraine
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Thank you for all you have done over the past year in helping us with the house and all the wonderful gifts you have given. You are an amazing person and I am glad to see you happy in your new house. Hopefully I will see you soon. :)
A few days ago I had a dream Cloverfield came and attacked Granada Hills. Only it wasn't Cloverfield, it was Cloverstein and the monster was Jewish
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On 4th of July it started out with everyone coming over and eating charred animal flesh. It ended with all of us soaking wet in G-strings or in my case XXL granny panties running around the neighborhood half drunk on rum and Jager
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