Mar 10, 2005 08:38
♥one secret
♥one compliment
♥one non-compliment
♥one love note
♥lyrics to a song that reminds you of me
♥how old you are
♥how long we've been friends
♥and a hint to who you are
yup, i stole it fuckers! please do this! i need to feel good for once. mUchO lOvE bIIItchEzzz! <333
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Comments 17
♥one compliment
♥one non-compliment
♥one love note - ur the best of all time.... and im trying to make this rhyme?
♥lyrics to a song that reminds you of me -
Surfin USA...dont ask why...
♥how old you are- 14
♥how long we've been friends - hmmm officially sincr this year but ive known you a bit longer
♥and a hint to who you are- (this will give me away buuuuttttttt..) i love carbears. and i want ur carebear socks. now.
lol <333
♥one secret- i know how to fly
♥one compliment- ur soooo fucking pretty
♥one non-compliment- YOU STOLE MY CAREBEAR SOCKS! i can feeel it in my bones.
yeah sorry bout that...
i cant remember if ijust forgot that was there orrr if it is already there and im just NOT seeing things???!!
♥one compliment- Your the best
♥one non-compliment- can be a bit bitchy at times
♥one love note-ive never seen a rose with an ass like that :-D
♥lyrics to a song that reminds you of me-
♥how old you are-14
♥how long we've been friends-2 years now i think
♥and a hint to who you are- Your baby
♥ one compliment ; you're so gorgeous and beautiful (eghh, fuck you. i do not care if it was two. she's too pretty and stuff to say ONLY ONE fucking compliment!)
♥ one non-compliment ; ughh... i got nothing.
♥ one love note ; i'll give you a dozen roses with one fake one and i'll tell you i'll stop loving you when the last one dies
♥ lyrics to a song that reminds you of me ; it's not always rainbows and butterflies it's compromise that moves us along
♥ how old you are ; 13
♥ how long we've been friends ; 2 years i think?
♥ and a hint to who you are ; all the hints i can think of would gimmie away but ugh... sunrise. =]
♥one compliment-u are b.e.a.utiful!
♥one non-compliment-
♥one love note-dear nikki, i love you..
♥lyrics to a song that reminds you of me- hmmm.. i have no clue..
♥how old you are-14
♥how long we've been friends-2 years, maybe 3
♥and a hint to who you are- we made out at ur b-day
♥one compliment you are so beautiFul =]
♥one non-compliment dunt got one for yuh!!
♥one love note i love nikki;; nikki is cool;; i love nikki;; i see her at skool..?
♥lyrics to a song that reminds you of me none sorry
♥how old you are 13
♥how long we've been friends like 2 weeks!! lol
♥and a hint to who you are i saw you at thu flea market =] hahah <333
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