I recieved Gold in all my dances. My studio recieved Best Sportsmansip. we won best coreoghraphy. we won a lot of other stuff. Elizabeth won Platinum in Everything. Call me later. Im outta here. Swayzes was amazing. 678 463 8209
Adam and i were in a fight earlier... we arnt anymore and i love him. He made me cry. Is someone you love supposed to make you cry? out of hate? hm.... pondering. If you want to do something soon please call and tell.... 770 423 1555 Have a wonderful day. May happy days follow. ;xo
I'm not going to Swayzes tonight. The weather is not to my liking. My parents don't care. I just don't want to go; it is too cold and icey. Plus, Julius is playing last and crappy bands are playing before them, so i would be there until at least 11. Call me.