Does anyone want to trade a Teddiursa for a Mudkip, my Teddiursa is cute and cuddly and ever so soft but I think I'd like a Mudkip more plz. Any rumours you've heard about the Teddiursa stealing things are big fat lies! LIES I TELL YOU!! ...plztakeitandgivemeamudkip
I was training my Pidgey today and I saw this cute Teddiursa!! I sent my Pidgey to battle it and I think Pidgey used Body Slam because it just landed on top of the Teddiursa and knocked it out!! My Pidgey is so strong
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I feel I've missed something while I was trying to teach my Pidgey an attack called "Aerial Ace", I read about it in some book, it sounds really cool!! But my Pidgey can't even lift itself off the ground!! Doesn't it know how to fly!? It mostly just kept running into trees D: