Part: Part One (C) Title: In The Gryffindor Common Room Rating: PG for language. Characters: Remus, Sirius, James, Peter. Notes: Thanks to ank_the_tank for inspiring me to restart this story with the boys in a dorm.
Where do you get your downloads??? Your Andy has the most beautiful hair, and your Bellatrix is gorgeous, I've been looking for Remus scars everywhere, and that tie you've got on Sirius? HOMG. So hot. That picture of Remus grinning cheekily at that mirror is the cutest effing thing I've seen all day, btw.
You know what, I think Andy's hair was a default style with University. I got most of the other hairstyles from they have some brilliant artists there. I'd absolutely love to be able to make meshes, but...just, no. Haha. I made Remus' scars and Sirius' shirt and tie, but that's where my talent ends and it took me all day. Aw, I'm glad you thought Remus' grin was cute too, I totally squeed when he did it.
I hope you're doing ok, love *hugs tight.* :) x x x x
You leave the nicest comments, you really do *glomps!* And I know I say that every time too, hee!
Ooh, thanks about the tie, it took me hours and hours *woeful look.* I used to skin Sims back in the golden days before Sims 2 came out, but I was out of practise!
Thanks again for being so delightful and making me want to post these stories *squishes.*
Comments 120
this is so fantastic!!! remus and his huge goofy grin just made my day!!! and sirius!! *fans self* homg!!!
You know what, I think Andy's hair was a default style with University. I got most of the other hairstyles from they have some brilliant artists there. I'd absolutely love to be able to make meshes, but...just, no. Haha. I made Remus' scars and Sirius' shirt and tie, but that's where my talent ends and it took me all day. Aw, I'm glad you thought Remus' grin was cute too, I totally squeed when he did it.
I hope you're doing ok, love *hugs tight.* :) x x x x
Sirius' shirt and tie are gorgeous. Especially the tie... it even looks... silk-y...? Or fabric-y or something... it's really amazing!
I can't wait for the next part!
Ooh, thanks about the tie, it took me hours and hours *woeful look.* I used to skin Sims back in the golden days before Sims 2 came out, but I was out of practise!
Thanks again for being so delightful and making me want to post these stories *squishes.*
♥ ♥ ♥
Thanks for the comment :D x
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