Jan 01, 2006 13:35
Jupiter's in your sign, Scorpio, making you bigger and badder than ever (in a good way, of course). This is your year to step out of survival mode, knock down the walls of your old routine and open up a wider view of the horizon. If you aim high instead of playing it safe, even the most unlikely bets on your happiness can come through as winners
Dec 03, 2005 16:05
But no, of course not, remember, I'm not allowed to.
Nov 11, 2005 23:17
Just speedbumps, hopefully
I want...
Beer, it always chers me up
Nov 05, 2005 14:27
Do not operate heavy machinery in the vicinity of Porta-Potties while under the influence of...anything.
Oct 25, 2005 17:48
This would be the time for a pack of cigarettes, and mabey a case of beer. But no, its not a celebration.