Woah I havn't logged in here in a long time. Such a Shame I know..lol Lately I continue to work, practice goofy arts, read, oh and soon there may be a webcomic with me as the writer. Oh and it's bout Bigfoot.
So who is going to help me put together a proper outfit for a wedding?
Ok so last weekend i bought entirely too many comics
Too many Animal Man, Swamp Thing (Alan Moore first 4 episodes), Sandman Mystery Theater, and Sandman proper. Heh, if i knew a pretty woman who took care of earthly affairs i would be set!
I hope everyone is feeling fine. I know I am! I purchased a kettlebell the other day and am getting "strong like bull" Most news involving myself deals with late night reading at Amelie's, lots of coffee, tai chi, good movies, and really not a lot else. Career wise we are still stagnant, but then isn't everyone?
I don't get to post her so much anymore due to work internet restrictions. I will simply post a haiku I wrote: Drunk thoughts late at night Rarely lead to good choices Better to calm down!
Does it mean anything if you dream of someone with scars on one side of their face and maimed arms? What if its also an extremely beautiful (to you) you member of the opposite sex and they give you nothing but sass?
I have really weird dreams...I wonder if this person is out there...
Since I was little and saw a rather bizarre episode of Muppet Babies I have been obsessed with the constellation Orion. It has been fun tonight to watch Orion move across the sky. As a kid I would eat breakfast at a neighbors and Orion would be in the morning sky above their house. I also find myself in empathy with Orion, what with loving
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